F1 Racing - UK (2020-03)

(Antfer) #1


bluntness his torquewrench would be proud of.
“The car in Barcelona [testing] and Australia was
pretty good – and for a car which had [effectively]
no upgrades to go intoQ3 two races from the
end cannot be a bad car – I think wherewe went
wrong, and we know where wewent wrong, and
I don’t want to go into the detail where itwent
wrong, is with the upgrades. We had a lot of
upgrades, but theyalldidn’t work.
“Not only they didn’t work, you get confused.
We had thefi rst upgrade in Barcelona [round
fi ve], which was pretty big, and Romain was very
unhappywith the behaviour ofthe car. But we
got into Q3 so it’s like ‘you don’t like it butthe car
is quick so let’s go down that avenue’. We should
have reacted earlier, but it was very strange
things happening.”
Steiner admits the team spent too much
time focusing on its historic weakness of failing
to understand and correctly manipulate the
sensitive Pirelli tyres. Once Haas realised the
problem was fundamentally aerodynamic rather
than mechanical, it was too late to have any
discernible impact on the 2019 season.
In many ways Haas endured the opposite
problem to Williams, which designed a poor
car behind schedule but at least made progress
through the season; the Haas was fundamentally
a sound design, but it didn’t go anywhere.
“It’s paranoia instead of looking a little bit
wider and seeing what it is that doesn’t make
the tyrework,” Steiner adds. “Once we got a
little more clarity, half the season was over.
In the raceswe never could score points, because
we just couldn’t keepthe tyres together – we
overheated them, basically, and westarted to
slide and once that vicious circle starts you are
slower and slower.
“We startedjust before the summer break to
look into what’s actually happening, andmake
sure as much as possible it doesn’t happen for
the nextyear. Theupgradesfor after the break
were already signed off. If yo u start to develop
something atthe summerbrea k you’re not getting
it to the trackuntil the endof the season. We
had a few pa rts whichwe te sted to get data, but


Haas will bewarefalse promise
at the start of the 2020
season,followinga chastening
experiencefor its technical
team last year.
If pre-seasontestingform
was to be believed, Haas
seemed setto build on the
steady progress of 2016-18,
but just tworounds into the
2019 campaign,the VF-19’s
upgradesaimingto alleviate
thosewoes unusually
only compounded the
team’s misery.
Crucially,neither Romain
Grosjean norKevin Magnussen
couldkeep the Pirelli tyres

withintheir working range for
a sustainedlength of time. In
an all-or-nothingqualifying
lap, the two were quite
comfortable in pushingfor Q3.
In racetrim, the pair could hang
on for a handful of laps before
plummeting down the order
and fallingout of the points.
Haas threw everything
at the car to solvethis
conundrum,but to no avail.
The upgrades broughtto race
fi ve, in Spain,if anythingtook
the team further away from its
Melbourne high-watermark.
By Silverstone, the team had
electedto revert Grosjean’s car
to full Australia-spec. Afurther
upgradefor Hockenheim failed

to make a positive impact.
Haas had some serious
soul-searchingto do. Its car
proved incredibly reactiveto
temperature; in hotter climes
the dri vers struggledmassively,
but with suddentemperature
dropsthey immediately had
a deeper pot ofperformance
to dip into.
Ultimately, theteam
suspected a fundamental issue
with the frontwing designed
to the new regulations.The
team trialled aFerrari-inspired
modificationin Brazilian GP
free practice(the penultimate
round of last season) – hoping
to plot abettercoursefor thi s

After identifying thefront wing (above) as a sourceof its troubles, Haas
fi rst trialled aFerrari-stylewing in the Brazilian GP practice sessions

Haas will be anxiousto avoid the damaging
front wing issue it had on the VF-19

Haas added a new range of turning vanes in Spain and innovative
endplates in Hockenheim, but neither couldfi x the VF-19’s problems







bluntness his torquewrench would be proud of.
“The car in Barcelona [testing] and Australia was
pretty good – and for a car which had [effectively]
no upgrades to go intoQ3 two races from the
end cannot be a bad car – I think wherewe went
wrong, and we know where wewent wrong, and
I don’t want to go into the detail where itwent
wrong, is with the upgrades. We had a lot of
upgrades, but theyalldidn’t work.
“Not only they didn’t work, you get confused.
We had thefi rst upgrade in Barcelona [round
fi ve], which was pretty big, and Romain was very
unhappywith the behaviour ofthe car. But we
got into Q3 so it’s like ‘you don’t like it butthe car
is quick so let’s go down that avenue’. We should
have reacted earlier, but it was very strange
things happening.”
Steiner admits the team spent too much
time focusing on its historic weakness of failing
to understand and correctly manipulate the
sensitive Pirelli tyres. Once Haas realised the
problem was fundamentally aerodynamic rather
than mechanical, it was too late to have any
discernible impact on the 2019 season.
In many ways Haas endured the opposite
problem to Williams, which designed a poor
car behind schedule but at least made progress
through the season; the Haas was fundamentally
a sound design, but it didn’t go anywhere.
“It’s paranoia instead of looking a little bit
wider and seeing what it is that doesn’t make
the tyrework,” Steiner adds. “Once we got a
little more clarity, half the season was over.
In the raceswe never could score points, because
we just couldn’t keepthe tyres together – we
overheated them, basically, and westarted to
slide and once that vicious circle starts you are
slower and slower.
“We startedjust before the summer break to
look into what’s actually happening, andmake
sure as much as possible it doesn’t happen for
the nextyear. Theupgradesfor after the break
were already signed off. If yo u start to develop
something atthe summerbrea k you’re not getting
it to the trackuntil the endof the season. We
had a few pa rts whichwe te sted to get data, but


Haas will bewarefalse promise
at the start of the 2020
season,followinga chastening
experiencefor its technical
team last year.
If pre-seasontestingform
was to be believed, Haas
seemed setto build on the
steady progress of 2016-18,
but just tworounds into the
2019 campaign,the VF-19’s
upgradesaimingto alleviate
thosewoes unusually
only compounded the
team’s misery.
Crucially,neither Romain
Grosjean norKevin Magnussen
couldkeep the Pirelli tyres

withintheir working range for
a sustainedlength of time. In
an all-or-nothingqualifying
lap, the two were quite
comfortable in pushingfor Q3.
In racetrim, the pair could hang
on for a handful of laps before
plummeting down the order
and fallingout of the points.
Haas threw everything
at the car to solvethis
conundrum,but to no avail.
The upgrades broughtto race
fi ve, in Spain,if anythingtook
the team further away from its
Melbourne high-watermark.
By Silverstone, the team had
electedto revert Grosjean’s car
to full Australia-spec. Afurther
upgradefor Hockenheim failed

to make a positive impact.
Haas had some serious
soul-searchingto do. Its car
proved incredibly reactiveto
temperature; in hotter climes
the dri vers struggledmassively,
but with suddentemperature
dropsthey immediately had
a deeper pot ofperformance
to dip into.
Ultimately, theteam
suspected a fundamental issue
with the frontwing designed
to the new regulations.The
team trialled aFerrari-inspired
modificationin Brazilian GP
free practice(the penultimate
round of last season) – hoping
to plot abettercoursefor thi s

After identifying thefront wing (above) as a sourceof its troubles, Haas
fi rst trialled aFerrari-stylewing in the Brazilian GP practice sessions

Haas will be anxiousto avoid the damaging
front wing issue it had on the VF-19

Haas added a new range of turning vanes in Spain and innovative
endplates in Hockenheim, but neither couldfi x the VF-19’s problems






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