Nature | Vol 577 | 16 January 2020 | 369
targeted towards the year 2030^47. Mountains play a key part in achiev-
ing the SDGs for water (SDG 6), food (SDG 2) and energy (SDG 7). Given
the projected change in climate and socioeconomic development in
mountain-dependent basins, it is evident that if the SDGs are to be
achieved the water resources of the water towers need to be harnessed
within safe environmental limits.
We therefore make three essential recommendations. First, moun-
tain regions must be recognized as a global asset of the Earth system.
Second, it must be acknowledged that vulnerability of the world’s water
towers is driven both by socio-economic factors and climate change.
Third, we must develop international, mountain-specific conservation
and climate-change adaptation policies (such as national parks, pollut-
ants control, emission reductions, erosion control and dam regulations)
that safeguard the mountain ecosystems and mountain people and
simultaneously ensure water, food and energy security of the millions
of people downstream.
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