Nature - USA (2020-01-16)

(Antfer) #1

404 | Nature | Vol 577 | 16 January 2020


Overall, these results demonstrate antigen-specific clonal expansion
of CD8+ T cells in AD and signify the need for a greater understanding
of the role of adaptive immunity in this disease. Although we detected
EBV-specific TCRs in CSF from patients with AD, we caution that these
data are not evidence of a causal link between EBV infectivity and AD. In
fact, the EBV-specific clones detected in this study were not the most
highly expanded and were not enriched among patients. However, it
remains tenable that the most highly expanded clones observed in
patient CSF are specific for non-self antigens that were not identified
in our search. Several different antigens may activate and promote
CD8+ T cell trafficking in AD, with a potential effect on neurodegenera-
tion through their cytotoxic effector function. Identifying the self and
non-self antigens that clonal TCRs recognize in amyloidogenic brain
disorders such as AD and PD will provide a new approach to investigate
adaptive immunity in neurodegenerative disease.

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