PC World - USA (2020-03)

(Antfer) #1
MARCH 2020 PCWorld 125

F4: =SUM(E410%), the current
discount percentage in your store, then
copy from F4 down to F5:E500
G4: =SUM(E4-F4)
6.25, where 6.25 is
the sales tax in your area, then copy from G4
down to G5:G500
H4: =SUM(E4-F4+G4), then copy from
H4 down to H5:E500
Now that you have all the spreadsheet
formulas in place, all you have to do is enter
the quantity (column C) for each computer
sold (daily, weekly, or monthly). If the prices
change, enter the new prices in column D.
The rest of this database is all formulas or
static information.

  1. As seen above, with “macro”
    spreadsheets, you set the formula range to
    be many rows beyond the last record, so you
    can just add new records at
    the end and not worry about
    adjusting the range. Because
    the macro sorts the
    database, the new records
    are relocated to the proper
    position. The spreadsheet
    data in our example ends on
    row 210. The formula range
    extends out to row 500, so
    it’s safe to add the next new
    record on row 211.

  2. Once the
    spreadsheet is defined and
    set up with the structure,
    static data in place, and

correct formulas, make 12 copies in
worksheets 2 through 13. Edit the tabs on the
bottom to identify the individual stores.
Change the name of the sheet1 tab to Master,
because this is your master database file.

  1. Change the location data on row
    1 to identify the store information (that
    matches the store on the tab) on all 12
    spreadsheets. Next, email an electronic
    copy of each branches’ spreadsheet to
    each of the store managers; for example,
    send the Boston sheet to Boston, the
    Dallas sheet to Dallas, etc.
    Their copies include the spreadsheet
    formulas that work on their individual
    spreadsheets (but not the formulas of the
    combined spreadsheets in the workbook).

  2. The macro provides the formulas for

Copy the Master spreadsheet 12 times, then name the tabs.
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