How To Become Vegan

(chitransh2891) #1

ignorance or a lack of accessible vegan ingredients, not a lack of
My ultimate fallback is that if I find myself in a situation where I’m
sensing a general lack of cooperation with my path of veganism, I’ll simply
leave. It’s very rare that this happens, but when it does, I accept it, and I
eject from the unsupportive environment. For instance, if I’m at an event,
and they screw up my meal, and there’s no way for them to fix it in a timely
manner, I’d rather not sit around with an empty plate while everyone else is
eating. So I’ll excuse myself and go for a walk outside. I’ll find some vegan
food elsewhere on my own, or I’ll skip the meal entirely. While I’m out, I’ll
shake off the temporary lack of social support, and I’ll turn my attention to
my much deeper and more profound love for animals, which always
dissolves any personal inconveniences. And when I return later, after
everyone’s eyes have glazed over with the fullness of the meal, I’ll be
feeling full in my heart, even if my stomach goes empty for a time.
Most of the time, however, that isn’t what happens. Usually I just get a
nicely prepared custom vegan meal. And quite often, the animal eaters look
down at their rubbery chicken or slimy fish and then take note of my more
attractive meal with envy. I often get comments like, “Oh... I wish I had
asked for something like that. That looks so much better than what
everyone else is eating.”

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