How To Become Vegan

(chitransh2891) #1

patience. They give me inspiration to continue encouraging people to live
more consciously. I feel stronger once again.
I encourage you to honor your feelings on this path as well. When you
feel weakened by excessive exposure to cruelty and indifference, take
whatever kind of retreat you need to restore your energy.
I really love that being vegan helps me stay conscious. On this path, I’m
constantly reminded of my choices and their long-term consequences. I see
the contrasts between the path I’ve chosen and my old style of unconscious
living pretty much every day. As a vegan, I find it impossible to fall back
asleep. This path keeps me awake, especially in my heart. It keeps me from
going numb.

Dealing with Animal Eaters

As a vegan you’ll likely be subjected to a great deal of awkward behavior
from animal eaters. It’s important for you to learn how to deal with this
because it’s likely to be part of your life for a long time. Don’t worry
though. All of the issues are manageable.
Pretending to care about animals and semi-apologizing for their behavior
is a common reaction you’ll get from animal eaters when they first learn
that you’re vegan. Many will try to qualify their behavior with statements

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