How To Become Vegan

(chitransh2891) #1

environmental reasons. Others (including me) got there by exploring and
experimenting, driven by curiosity.
However you got started on this path, when you see that it strongly
resonates with you, make a real and abiding commitment to it.
One thing that helped me commit was to deeply educate myself about
many aspects of being vegan. I needed to satisfy my mind that this was the
right choice for me. I read lots of material about it, including many anti-
vegan sources. Again and again, when I looked deeply enough, I saw that
the truth favored veganism.
On the emotional side as well, I spent a lot of time exploring my feelings
towards animals, towards the planet, towards animal eaters, and towards
other people. I came to see that my life seemed a lot better when I allowed
myself to care more about other living beings, as opposed to trying to be
tough, independent, and indifferent.
Through that process I became a committed vegan. That commitment
means a lot to me. It’s deeply woven into my sense of self because I’ve
chosen to do that. Much of my life path today is devoted to honoring that
commitment and continuing to explore it. It touches all parts of my life.
I think it’s really helpful to carve out a slice of your world that you can
control, and make that environment 100% vegan. For me, it’s my home.

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