How To Become Vegan

(chitransh2891) #1

challenge you to make new decisions. I can’t advise you on every
possibility, but I can tell you that if a certain gray area keeps getting your
attention, it’s probably something you need to re-evaluate.

Create Your Own Vegan Rituals

As you shed your old socially conditioned rituals that were brainwashed
into you from childhood, I encourage you to create your own rituals to
replace them. Create rituals that actually mean something to you.
Most mornings I get up at 5am and go for a run. I love running outside in
the morning. I love how good it feels to move my body, to elevate my heart
rate, to breathe the fresh air, and to watch the morning sun peek over the
After my run I usually sit for about 20 minutes on a park bench, in a
grove of trees populated with a few dozen birds. Shortly after dawn the
birds become very active, chirping and singing to welcome the new day. I
sit there alone watching and listening. I smile. I enjoy the sunrise. I feel my
connection to the earth and to all living beings.
As I sit on the bench and put my attention on the birds, I admire their
beauty and elegance. I watch them effortlessly glide through the air from
tree to tree. I take note of the different species present. I feel how good it

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