How To Become Vegan

(chitransh2891) #1
When I ate animals, I could never allow myself to explore such practices.
Caring would have been too risky, so I invalidated it. I’d push myself to
grow stronger, but not more loving. But now I can look back and see just
how much I limited my strength by not allowing myself to care more, and I
can see how much beauty I denied myself.
I encourage you to deepen your own practice of veganism with simple
rituals that allow you to experience the full deliciousness of this path in
ways that you couldn’t allow yourself to do in your pre-vegan days. Once
you shed the practice of eating animals, you’ll no longer be stuck with the
cognitive dissonance of treating animals with such indifference and
brutality while awkwardly pretending that you’re still a kind and caring
person. This will give you the freedom to explore real caring and
compassion instead of the old faux compassion. The vegan path is an
absolutely beautiful one to delve into, so please give yourself the gift of
exploring it.
Care deeply for the animals of this world. They deserve to be treated so
much better.

If you are going to be vegan or you are vegan you have to check

it out these two books for sure

5 Minute Vegan Recipe COOKBOOK

300 Vegan/Plant Based Recipe Cook Book

5 Minute Vegan Recipe COOKBOOK

300 Vegan/Plant Based Recipe Cook Book

Free download pdf