
(NAZIA) #1
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Macduff. He is already named, and gone to Scone^8
To be invested.
Ross. Where is Duncan’s body?
Macduff. Carried to Colmekill,
The sacred storehouse of his predecessors
And guardian of their bones.
Ross. Will you to Scone?
Macduff. No, cousin, I’ll to Fife.^9
Ross. Well, I will thither.
Macduff. Well, may you see things well done there. Adieu,
Lest our old robes sit easier than our new!
Ross. Farewell, father.
Old Man. God’s benison^10 go with you, and with those
That would make good of bad, and friends of foes! [Exit.]

  1. Scone (skoon) where Scottish
    kings were crowned.


  1. Fife where Macduff’s castle is


  1. benison blessing.

Comprehension Check
Complete the following items after you finish your first read.

  1. As Macbeth waits for the signal from Lady Macbeth that the king’s guards are asleep, what
    does he imagine he sees?

  2. How is the murder of the king discovered?

  3. What strange and unnatural things do Ross and the old man talk about in Scene iv?

  4. Notebook Confirm your understanding of the text by writing a summary.

Research to Clarify Choose at least one unfamiliar detail from the text. Briefly research that
detail. In what way does the information you learned shed light on an aspect of the play?

Research to Explore Choose something from the text that interested you, and formulate a
research question. Write your question here.


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Comprehension Check

  1. He imagines he sees a bloody dagger hovering in
    the air.

  2. Macduff asks Macbeth if the king is still asleep.
    He enters the king’s chamber to find him dead,
    then emerges shouting that the king has been

  3. Ross and the old man talk about how it is dark
    outside when it should be light. They describe
    how an owl that usually goes after mice, caught
    and killed a falcon, and how the king’s horses
    became wild, broke out of their stable, and ate
    each other.

  4. Possible response: Macbeth hallucinates when he’s
    sees a bloody dagger leading him to the king’s
    chamber. Lady Macbeth has drugged the guards.
    Macbeth goes offstage to murder the king. He
    returns with the dagger, and Lady Macbeth wipes
    the blood on the guards. A porter knocks on the
    gate, bringing comic relief from the tension. Then
    Macduff discovers the body and Macbeth kills the
    guards, explaining that he is overwrought with
    emotion due to the unjustness of the murder.
    Duncan’s sons feel they are in danger and flee
    Inverness, making them suspects in the murder.
    Macbeth is crowned king.

Research to Clarify If students struggle to
come up with a detail to research further, you
may want to suggest that they focus on owls as
symbols in literature, or the roles of porters and
chamberlains in medieval society.
Research to Explore Students may want to
formulate a research question about the motif
of blood or the wild weather that appears
throughout the play.

Art Find a copy of the painting Lady Macbeth
Seizing the Daggers by Henry Fuseli (1812) and
project it to the class. This painting depicts the
scene immediately after the murder of Duncan.
It shows Macbeth’s horror over what he had
done and Lady Macbeth’s control over him. The
nightmarish quality of the painting reflects the
disordered minds of the characters. Ask students

to consider how the darkness of the painting
and the posture of the characters compare with
students’ conception of them. You may suggest
that students create either sketches or abstract
representations using color or design to show the
mental state of the main characters, basing their
work on details from the dialogue.


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