Photoshop User - USA (2020-03)

(Antfer) #1

[ 99 ]

the bottom of the Presets, and click
OK. You can then adjust the layer
settings such as Opacity or blend
modes. Here, we set the blend mode
to Multiply.

Step Four: I then dragged the
Johnny vector graphic from the Librar-
ies panel onto the image, and sized
and placed it in a suitable spot. Press
Enter to commit the transformation.

Step Five: Click on the Add a Layer
Style icon (ƒx) at the bottom of the
Layers panel and choose Gradient
Overlay. Click on the Gradient thumb-
nail and select your custom gradient
preset in the Gradient Editor. Click OK
to close the Gradient Editor, and then
adjust the Gradient Overlay settings
to taste.

Step Six: The final step is to apply
a white Stroke layer style to make it
stand out. Simply click on the word
“Stroke” in the list of Styles on the
left side of the Layer Style dialog, and
adjust the settings as desired. Click
OK to apply the layer styles.

There you have it, an in-depth
look at the new hidden feature in
Photo shop 2020 that Adobe dare
not mention. And don’t forget that
these assets carry across to Illustra-
tor and InDesign; that’s the beauty
of CC Libraries! Play with it, and see
what you can create. See you back
here next issue for more “Designing
in Photoshop” tutorials. n
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