Motor Trend – September 2019

(Steven Felgate) #1
The original article
boasted of the car’sboasted of the car’s
instrument panel andinstrument panel and
ample trunk space.ample trunk space.

The First FirstTest


t’s not every day that a company buys
a valuable heirloom, anactual piece of
its history. But asMotorTrendlights
7070 candles oncandles onits birthday cake, it’s thisits birthday cake, it’s this
car—car—this obscure frog-greenthis obscure frog-green1949 Kurtis1949 Kurtis
we recently purchased—we recently purchased—that’s beingthat’s being
wheeled up as our present to ourselves.wheeled up as our present to ourselves.
WWhy the Kurtis? The easy answer ishy the Kurtis? The easy answer is
that it’s the automthat it’s the automobile onobile onthe mthe magazine’sagazine’s
first grainy, three-color cover. Nfirst grainy, three-color cover. Not justot just
any Kurtis. The exact car.any Kurtis. The exact car.
Another reasonAnother reasonis that 70is that 70years is timyears is timee
enough for everybody present atenough for everybody present atMMTT’s’s
birth to have nowbirth to have nowpacked their desks andpacked their desks and
relocated to that great printing pressrelocated to that great printing press


inthe sky, most notably our founder,
Robert Petersen, who started the
magazine onHollywood Boulevard and
mmoved it to a black-glass tower onoved it to a black-glass tower onSunsetSunset
Boulevard and thenBoulevard and thento a mto a monumonumentalental
bronze one onbronze one onWWilshire Boulevard. Wilshire Boulevard. Wee
finally caravaned here, near the beach,finally caravaned here, near the beach,
to a remto a remodeled El Segundo tilt-up thatodeled El Segundo tilt-up that
was originally used for engineering thewas originally used for engineering the
Apollo space programApollo space programininthe 1960s.the 1960s.
WWe’ve beene’ve beenLos Angeles vagabonds,Los Angeles vagabonds,
then, with no single homthen, with no single home as a touch-e as a touch-
stone. Anstone. AnAncestry DNAncestry DNAAquery wouldquery would
mmore likely pop up a picture of this greenore likely pop up a picture of this green
roadster rather thanroadster rather thanany particularany particular

FIRST TEST I 1949 Kurtis Sport Car

address. The Kurtis Sport Car is our
earliest fingerprint.
According to KenAccording to KenGross (virtuoso carGross (virtuoso car
historian, “Pete” Petersen’s longtimhistorian, “Pete” Petersen’s longtimee
pal, and frequentpal, and frequentMMTTcontributor), L.A.contributor), L.A.
race car builder Frank Kurtis was evenrace car builder Frank Kurtis was evenaa
coauthor of this mcoauthor of this magazine’s originagazine’s originstory.story.
Although Petersen’sAlthough Petersen’sHHototRodRodmmagazineagazine
(founded in(founded in1948) found quick success, it1948) found quick success, it
wasn’t attracting the big-buck ads fromwasn’t attracting the big-buck ads from
mmajor car comajor car companies. Kurtis—panies. Kurtis—alreadyalready
working onworking onhis car—his car—was a booster ofwas a booster of
a second ma second magazine oriented aroundagazine oriented around

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