Analytics Insight – July 2019

(Wang) #1

Block Center for Technology and Society, Metro21 Smart Cities
Institute, Living Analytics Research Center, and CyLab Security
and Privacy Institute, are laser-focused on investigating the
unique problems that emerge as its world’s relationship to data

Scholarly Faculty and Significant Achievements
At the university level, Carnegie Mellon University hosts the world’s
best computer science program and the highest concentration
of machine learning experts anywhere in academia. CMU
has the first (and still the only) stand-alone Machine Learning
Department in higher education. For students interested in data
science and analytics, that’s hugely significant; it opens them up
to knowledge and opportunities for research and collaboration
that can’t be found anywhere else. CMU also has the world’s
first undergraduate degree program in Artificial Intelligence—
the university’s commitment to leading the charge for these next
generation technologies is clear. Heinz College is positioned to
ensure that education around these technologies makes its way
into the public sphere so that the gains from these innovations
can be broadly shared and more inclusive.

In addition to the UPS-INFORMS George D. Smith Prize for
Analytics Education, Heinz College has faculty members who
have won many prestigious awards in their respective fields
and have been elected to the National Academies of Science,

Medicine, and Engineering. Heinz College is the only academic
institution with two Stockholm Prize-winning criminologists
on its faculty. The college has been the #1 ranked graduate
school in Information and Technology Management by U.S.
News and World Report for over 20 years straight. CMU was
recently named a charter member of the PIT-UN, which is a
national initiative—Heinz College’s Dean Ramayya Krishnan was
designated CMU’s representative to the network.

Remarkable Trends in the Data-Driven AI Industry
Commenting on the key trends of AI and Big Data, Speedy said,
“No matter the context, it no longer suffices to make decisions
solely based on gut feeling. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a
low-stakes convenience like movie recommendations or a high-
stakes situation like child welfare and intervention. The ubiquity
of data and improved methods for collecting data have made
evidence-based decision making necessary—in many cases it’s
inappropriate, even irresponsible to make decisions without
data. At the same time, that reality has led to a growing need
for systems that are transparent, fair, and accountable.” Heinz
College sees those as some of the key trends in the field: the
instruments that collect data are becoming more sophisticated
and omnipresent, so it needs to ensure that aspects of security,
privacy, ethics, and justice are designed into these systems
rather than an afterthought, she added.


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