Farmer’s Weekly – 02 August 2019

(backadmin) #1
Ethiopia attracts
large amounts of
foreign investment,
with significant
opening in agro-
Getty ImaGes

underestimate the impact of

grassroots politics on business and

the economy. Africa is traditionally

seen as the ‘Dark Continent’,

because of all the baggage we

carry due to our history of slavery,

colonialism, wars, dictators and

poverty. Western media have

added to the myth through

unintentionally biased reporting.

How can


best manage tHe

cHanging business


I like to refer to the famous

boxing match between

Muhammad Ali and George

Foreman [in Zaire] in 1974. The

first surprise is that the president

of Zaire, now known as the DRC,

invested over US$10 million

[about R725 million today] to host

the fight, known as the Rumble

in the Jungle, in Kinshasa. This

reflects the ambiguous nature

of the continent: on the one

hand, you have extreme poverty,

and on the other, immense

wealth and opportunities.

The other surprise is that

Ali won the fight, even though

the odds were stacked four to

one against him. How? Firstly,

he had relentless drive and

determination, which is also one

of the key traits of companies

that make it in Africa.

Secondly, he spent a lot of

time with the people, whereas

Foreman withdrew into his hotel

when he was not practising. Hence,

on the day of the fight, the stadium

was packed with 60 000 people,

chanting “Ali bomaye”, w h i c h

basically means “Ali, kill him”.

To me, this illustrates the

importance of winning the hearts

of the people, and knowing the

territory if you want to make

it in Africa. It’s not enough to

merely do research; you need

feet on the ground to understand

the DNA of a country. Africa

consists of 54 countries, with

54 heads of state. A one-shoe-fits-

all approach isn’t going to work.

The third contributor to Ali’s

success was a move he later

dubbed “rope a dope”. By lying
on the ropes and rolling with the
punches, he basically allowed
the ropes to absorb some of
the power behind Foreman’s
punches. By the eighth round,
Foreman was so tired that Ali
was able to knock him out. To me,
this illustrates the importance of
knowing the threats, and having
a strong network to help you
absorb and overcome problems.

wHy do most
companies fail?
Companies generally fail when
they try to apply developed
countries’ strategies to Africa’s
emerging market, and when
they are not in touch with
the customs and traditions
of their target market.

wHere are tHe
biggest gaps on tHe
african market for
soutH a frican agri
There is a lack of knowledge
of the scientific and technical
aspects of agricultural
production. Zimbabwe is an
example of a country where
farmers were forced out and then
became successful in Nigeria
and Zambia because of their
knowledge. South Sudan has
significant arable land, and is

one of the countries where the
leadership is providing incentives
for farmers to come and invest.

wHat sHould
tHey take into
wHen deciding
wHere to invest?
Investors should have a good
understanding of legislation and
taxes, and how changes to these
would affect them. An import ban
or high import taxes, for example,
could result in a business not
being economically feasible.
They should also understand
the market, as well as the politics
and culture. There are huge
opportunities, as agricultural
development is part of most of
these governments’ economic
growth strategies. Many foreign
donors, such as the US Agency for
International Development and
the Department for International
Development of the UK, are
looking for viable opportunities
to invest in the continent.

  • Email Dr Rutendo Hwindingwi at
    [email protected].
    He will be speaking at the 9th annual
    PMA Fresh Connections: Southern
    Africa Conference and Trade Show, to
    be held at the Century City Conference
    Centre in Cape Town on 30 and
    31 July. Visit


2 august 2019 farmer’sweekly 31
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