Farmer’s Weekly – 02 August 2019

(backadmin) #1

nslin Aquaponics in
Midrand was established in
2004 by leading aquaponics
researcher Barry Enslin. When
he retired in 2015, the business
was taken over by Justin
Hess and his wife, Nikki, and
became Ichthys Aquaponics.
The couple continued much of
the research started by Enslin.
In 2017, they were joined by
Hein Oosthuizen, who became
the facility’s technical director.
The farm produces trout
and tilapia, as well as herbs,
tomatoes and baby spinach,
which are sold to local
supermarkets. The tilapia are
sold to Food Lover’s Market and
the trout to local restaurants.
The business, which employs
eight permanent staff members,
also sells aquaponics equipment
and provides advisory services.
When the Hesses purchased the
farm, it consisted of one tunnel,
which is still in use. In 2016, they
bought 1ha next to the tunnel
with the aim of expanding
the aquaponics operation.
“Aquaponics producers tend
to operate on a smaller scale,”
says Hess. “This may be because
of limited funding for capital
investments, space limitation in
urban settings, or few lucrative
sales outlets. We wanted to
challenge aquaponics norms
and the way the technologies in
aquaponics are used to create
opportunities for scaling up.
“We decided to change our
system design first to optimise
space. This allowed us to
increase production without
increasing input costs.”

Learning how to reduce
production costs was step
one. Once they had sufficient
experience, the couple started to
expand the business by installing
two new tunnels in 2017.
These are designed for tilapia,
which prefer warmer water.
In 2018 and 2019, the
Hesses installed five more
tunnels for trout, which
prefer cooler temperatures.

“The new tunnels are made
of plastic,” says Hess. “They
have higher roofs and roll-up
sides for ventilation, which
enables us to save money
on temperature control.”
They have also been equipped
with geothermal heating and
cooling technology to maintain
a constant temperature. Each
tunnel has four to six fish tanks.
“The new system allows
water and nutrients from the
vegetables to flow back into the
fish tank more efficiently. The
improvements we’ve made to

the system allow us to increase
production by as much as four
times over the same period.”
Another change was to move
the tanks holding the trout
outside the tunnels; this enables
them to grow more crops inside.
The farm produces Nile
tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
and redbreast kurper (Tilapia
rendalli). The former is indigenous
to Central and North Africa
and the Middle East. In South
Africa it has been declared a
Category 1b species, according
to the National Environmental

Fast Facts

  • Ichthys aquaponics was established in 2004
    by leading aquaponics researcher Barry Enslin,
    and is now owned by Justin and Nikki Hess.

  • the couple grow trout and tilapia and have
    increased the size of the operation significantly.

  • they experiment to find the optimal way of
    growing both the vegetables and the fish.

From left: Nqoby
Mkandla, Hein
Oosthuizen, Sebuki
Mmadi, Moses
Mmadi, Priscar
Sithole and Justin
Hess of Ichthys

Aquaculture is the
process of growing
fish in a tank, but
the fish produce
ammonia, algae,
minerals and
other by-products
that need to
be constantly
filtered. Plants
absorb ammonia,
algae, minerals
and nitrates.

Changing systems
has enabled Justin
and Nikki Hess to
experiment with
different growing
methods. For
example, they have
used polystyrene
for growing
spring onions as
it is superior to
gravel beds.

Basil, tomatoes,
mint, parsley and
baby spinach
are sold to local

Vertical hydroponic
growing systems.
Siyanda SiShuba

2 august 2019 farmer’sweekly 33
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