European University Sports Association (EUSA) works closely with Council
of Europe (COE), where we are members of the Consultative Committee
of the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport, as well as member of the
Conference of International Non-governmental Organisations (INGO).
The annual meeting of the EPAS
Governing Board and meeting
of the EPAS Consultative
Committee was held in
Strasbourg on June 13 and 14,
2022 – marking also the 15th
anniversary of EPAS – Enlarged
Partial Agreement on Sport, a
body of the Council of Europe
The event was held at the
Council of Europe headquarters,
starting with a parallel session
of the meeting of the EPAS
Governing Board and the meeting
of the EPAS Consultative
Committee, whose member is
also the European University
Sports Association (EUSA).
EUSA Communications &
Projects Manager Mr Andrej Pisl
represented the organisation,
attending the 2022 EPAS events
in Strasbourg.
EPAS Consultative Committee
meeting started with the
welcomes by the Chair of the
Consultative Committee Mr Kolë
Gjeloshaj, Head of the Sport
Division and EPAS Executive
Secretary Ms Sophie Kwasny
and Head of Inclusion and Anti-
Discrimination Programmes
at Council of Europe Ms Irena
The opening sessions were
then followed by the reports
and information of the past
EPAS events being presented
for the past year. From the
online events, the Webinar on
physical education and school
sport on February 21, and an
online breakfast roundtable with
a focus on women in sport on
March 8 have been highlighted,
while the in-person/hybrid
event held on September 20
in Paris – Diversity Conference
2021 focused on protecting and
promoting the human rights
of intersex and transgender
athletes in sport competitions,
as well as the Combating Hate
Speech in Sport conference.
Elections of the Consultative
Committee’s Bureau also took
place at the meeting, re-electing
Mr Kole Gjeloshaj (ISF) as the
Chair, Mr Mogens Kirkeby (ISCA)
as Vice-Chair, and Mr Janez
Sodrznik (TAFISA), Ms Pauline
Johanet (Peace and Sport), Ms
Charlotte Girard-Fabre (IFSO)
and Baiba Veisa (EFPM) as
members, with Ms Emily Shaw
(UEFA) being elected as the
Gender Equality Rapporteur.
EPAS Consultative Committee
currently counts 29 members,
with an application pending
confirmation, and will therefore
be soon completed to its full
capacity of 30 members. It
is composed of members of
sports organizations, NGOs
and international organizations,
giving opinion and feedback on
the programme of activities and
provides advice for the decisions
of the Governing Board,
comprising the member states’
sports authorities (Ministries
responsible for Sport).
The event continued with the
joint meeting of EPAS Governing
Board and Consultative
Committee, chaired by Mr
Alexandre Husting from
Luxembourg, addressing several
topics, reflecting on EPAS
core values on promoting and
ensuring that sport is Ethical,
Inclusive and Safe.
The anniversary celebration
was also marked by a special
reception in the presence of
Deputy Secretary General
of the Council of Europe Mr
Bjørn Berge, highlighting the
relevance, historic background
and main achievements of EPAS
in the past 15 years.
for more information