The elected EUSA Executive Committee, which is
responsible for the organisation’s good governance and
executions of decisions taken by the General Assembly,
met in 2022 in person twice and several times online, to
coordinate and review the work done by the association
and to ensure its progressive path forward.
Salerno (ITA)
April 22-23, 2022
The members of the Executive
Committee of the European
University Sports Association
(EUSA) and invited guests met
in Salerno on April 22 and 23
for the first in-person meeting,
after the pandemic, with the
main focus of the meeting being,
the attribution of the European
Universities Games 2026 to
Salerno, and preparation of the
upcoming Universities Games
Lodz 2022.
EUSA Executive Committee
members, staff and invited
guests were welcomed and
hosted by the University of
Salerno, CUS Salerno and
CUSI. They were greeted by the
Vice-Rector of the University of
Salerno Mr Maurizio Sibilio and
the President of CUS Salerno Mr
Lorenzo Lentini.
Part of the official meeting was
attended also by the Acting
President of the International
University Sports Federation
(FISU) Mr Leonz Eder, and
FISU Vice-President Mr Marian
The EUSA Executive Committee
Meeting was started with the
general activity and office report,
presented by the EUSA President
Mr Adam Roczek and Secretary
General Mr Matjaz Pecovnik,
before passing the floor to EUSA
Treasurer Mr Fracis Cirianni,
who provided an insight into the
annual accounts and provisional
budget for EUSA and its Institute.
EUSA Sport Manager Mr
Miha Zvan, then presented
aspects related to the
European Universities
Championships 2023, as well as
to EUSA endorsed events and
partnership sport events.
Several projects, some
supported by the International
University Sports Federation
(FISU), and some by the
European Union, mainly through
the Erasmus+ Programme,
covering a diverse range of
activities and fields, were
presented by EUSA Secretary
General Mr Pecovnik and
EUSA communications and
Project Manager Mr Andrej
Pisl. These projects include
the topics of anti-doping, dual
career, equal opportunities and
inclusion, good governance,
mobility, safeguarding, skills
development, sustainability and
The first day concluded with
the bidding and awarding of the
European Universities Games
The second day of the meeting
started with an overview and
analysis of the preparations
and current status of this
year’s European Universities
Games, from July 17 and 30 in
Lodz, Poland. Delegation of the
European Universities Games
from Lodz attended part of
the meeting as well, sharing
the latest progress report and
current activities in preparation
for the upcoming event in Lodz,
such as expected participation,
Rectors Conference, sports,
social and educational program.
Multiple other activities were
presented and discussed on this
meeting in Salerno, including
the supportive activities to the
Ukrainian national university
sports association and their
students through the dedicated
solidarity fund and actions.
The President of the Sports