The Economist UK - 10.08.2019

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The EconomistAugust 10th 2019 3

1 Contents continues overleaf


The world this week
6 A summary of political
and financial news

9 The future of Hong Kong
How will this end?
10 US-China trade
Dangerous escalation
10 Mass shootings
It’s the guns
11 Kashmir’s status
Modi’s bad move
12 Endangered species
The elephant in the room

14 On happiness and
politics, Zhao Ziyang,
America, plastic, Boris
Johnson, the Moon

16 Turmoil in Hong Kong
Seeing red

19 Can anyone stop no-deal?
20 5G in Scotland’s islands
21 Justice by algorithm
21 A pre-election splurge?
22 Free ports’ pros and cons
23 Life on the Irish border
24 BagehotTheresa 2.

25 Migrants in Italy
26 Norway’s fish-smugglers
26 Brussels’ revolving doors
27 Social care in the
27 Tension in the Black Sea
28 The Faroes’ puffins
29 CharlemagneThe
eastern summer

United States
30 Mass shootings
31 Toni Morrison
32 Sheriff Tom Dart
33 Wyoming coal
34 LexingtonRowing about

The Americas
35 Espírito Santo, Brazil’s
model state
36 Argentina’s election
37 Venezuela’s sanctions
37 Cruises and the Caribbean

Middle East & Africa
38 African universities
39 More mathematicians
40 Liberia on the edge
40 Ride-sharing in Lebanon
41 Egypt’s poor

yuan-dollar became the
world’s most closely
watched asset price,
page 58

On the cover

If China were to react brutally,
the consequences would be
disastrous—and not just for
Hong Kong: leader,page 9.
Asia’s pre-eminent financial
centre is on the brink: briefing,
page 16

  • Guns: America’s tragic
    exceptionalismOther rich
    countries do not have frequent
    mass shootings. There is a
    simple reason for that: leader,
    page 10. America grapples with a
    lethal mix of terrorism and lax
    gun laws,page 30

  • Modi’s bad move on Kashmir
    The revocation of its autonomy
    points to a radical nationalist
    agenda: leader,page 11.
    Narendra Modi dashes the old
    rules in a bid to remake a
    troubled territory, page 42

  • From trade war to currency
    warAmerica cannot have a
    strong economy, rising tariffs
    and a weak dollar all at the same
    time: leader,page 10. Hostilities
    escalate, and the fog of war
    descends, page 57

  • Seed capitalism—the
    business of fertility Investors
    are pouring money into
    companies that promise to help
    people conceive,page 51

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