The Economist USA - 10.08.2019

(ff) #1

14 The EconomistAugust 10th 2019

Letters are welcome and should be
addressed to the Editor at
The Economist, The Adelphi Building,
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The satisfied stay home
I can think of at least one
reason why the increase in
happiness in European coun-
tries coincides with the rise of
populist parties (“The satisfac-
tion paradox”, July 13th). The
rise in happiness that has been
recorded in national surveys
does not necessarily affect
elections, as only a subset of
the population turns out. And
populist parties are more
successful at elections with a
lower turnout. The parallel rise
of happiness and populist
parties is not puzzling if the
satisfied tend to stay at home
on election day.
dominik schraff
Post-doctoral researcher
Centre for Comparative and
International Studies

Take Poland, for example. It
has enjoyed economic growth,
low unemployment and rising
living standards, and seen the
populist Law and Justice Party
romp home at elections. Voter
turnout hovers around 50%.
Why don’t half these Poles go
to the polls? Do they stay away
because they are happy, or are
they unsatisfied? Some might
believe that their single vote
does not matter. Some might
think that none of the parties
represents their views. What-
ever the reason, there is a
growing realisation that if only
some of those who stay away
could be persuaded to vote, the
rise of right-wing populists
could be forestalled.
piotr zientara
Associate professor of
University of Gdansk

Thomas Jefferson did not think
of “the pursuit of happiness” in
terms of our inward-looking
contemporary scale of satisfac-
tion. It is an elusive turn of
phrase, but one closer to the
classical philosophical notion
of happiness as part of the
individual’s civic existence.
Through that lens, the pursuit,
that is, the attainment or prac-
tice, of happiness reflects the
virtuous life of the citizen
within the body politic. This is
the inverse of happiness as a

quantity to be measured and
exploited by politicians.
derek o’leary
Berkeley, California

Reform minded
Your obituary of Li Peng (July
27th) described Zhao Ziyang,
the general-secretary of the
Communist Party at the time of
the Tiananmen massacre in
1989, as a “seeming liberal”.
Indeed, when he ran Sichuan
province, Zhao allowed farm
prices to fluctuate, causing
production to increase. And in
1988 he invited Milton Fried-
man to be his only Western
consultant after China experi-
enced high inflation. Friedman
said that Zhao was the best
economist he had ever met in a
socialist country.
bertrand horwitz
Asheville, North Carolina

Citizenship test
Along with most other media,
The Economistreminded its
readers that three of the four
congresswomen who were
subjected to Donald Trump’s
rants were born in America and
the fourth is a naturalised
citizen (Lexington, July 20th).
It was commendable that you
described his language as
“racist” rather than “racially
charged”. However, one point
that is always overlooked is
that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
is not “of recent migrant stock”.
Puerto Ricans have been citi-
zens of the United States for
many decades. Her mother did
not emigrate to New York from
Puerto Rico any more than I
emigrated to New York from
Iowa. We simply moved.
It is unfortunate that Amer-
icans need to be reminded that
Puerto Rico is a United States’
territory and that Puerto
Ricans are American citizens.
joseph english
New York

One of the charges laid at the
door of liberals is hypocrisy,
the odious practice of preach-
ing values and promoting
solutions without accepting
any of the consequences. For
example, liberals (broadly
speaking) are keen to allow

asylum-seekers into their
countries, but not into their
own communities, where the
only outsiders who are perma-
nently welcome are those who
can afford the house prices and
private-school fees.
My suggestion is that you
bear some of the consequences
of your values. Why not con-
vert a small amount of space at
each of your offices around the
world into accommodation for
asylum-seekers? Your good
action would be widely pub-
licised and set an example that
might be replicated elsewhere.
That is, if your desire to defeat
Trumpian bigotry is genuine.
thomas hodson

Let plastic sink
Plastic pollution that remains
local to its source, either on
land or in shallow waters, is
certainly less of a problem than
the vast amount accumulating
in our global oceans
(Schumpeter, July 27th). Some
plastics are denser than water
and do not float. The lighter
plastics can incorporate heavi-
er particles in their polymer
resins to ensure they don’t
float either. Plastic bottles,
which otherwise float like
boats on the water surface, can
be shaped to flood easily and
thus sink rapidly.
It seems the packaging
companies and their heedless
customers are avoiding a sim-
ple and inexpensive fix to the
worst part of the plastic pollu-
tion problem. Plastics and
plastic bottles should all be
made to sink to the ocean floor.
ion yadigaroglu
Technology Impact Fund
New York

No comparison
You compared Boris Johnson
to Winston Churchill, because
both leaders “inherited” a
serious crisis (“Here we go”,
July 27th). I disagree. Mr
Johnson did not inherit, but
actively helped create this
Brexit crisis. He deserves no
comparison to Churchill.
jochem borren
Eindhoven, Netherlands

If Mr Johnson were to lose
power in the coming months
he may not, as you suggest, be
Britain’s “shortest-serving
prime minister”. Counting
only those who formed fully
effective ministries, he could
still beat George Canning, who
served as prime minister for 119
days in 1827. By a more gener-
ous definition, the record
could belong to the Earl of
Bath, who held office for 48
hours in 1746.
Horace Walpole comment-
ed that the earl “never
transacted one rash thing...and
left as much money in the
Treasury as he found in it”.
Sadly, Mr Johnson is also
unlikely to match these
jacob williams

Mr Johnson’s closest parallel
may be neither Churchill nor
Neville Chamberlain but
Galba, the Roman emperor
who succeeded Nero in 68ad
but lasted only a few months.
The pithy and scathing assess-
ment of Tacitus was “omnium
consensu capax imperii, nisi
imperasset”. Rough transla-
tion: had he never become
emperor everyone would have
agreed that he had the capacity
to reign.
martin eaton
Bromsgrove, Worcestershire

The original rocket man
You mentioned China’s plan to
land someone on the Moon by
2035 (“The next 50 years in
space”, July 20th). This may be
a repeat visit by China. Accord-
ing to legend one Wan Hu
became the world’s first astro-
naut more than 4,000 years
ago by tying 47 fireworks to his
chair. The shear impact of his
landing on the Moon caused
the formation of a large crater,
which is named after him.
ted paul
Weymouth, Dorset
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