The Economist USA - 10.08.2019

(ff) #1
The EconomistAugust 10th 2019 Middle East & Africa 37



nder thecorrugated-iron roof of the
Bong Intellectual Centre, a tea house in
Gbarnga in northern Liberia, the air is thick
with anger. Dozens of people sit on plastic
chairs, discussing politics. They complain
that their businesses are failing, corrup-
tion is rising and food prices have doubled
in recent months. “The hungry man is an
angry man,” says Augustin Jalla, a 55-year-
old social worker. “If something does not
change there’s going to be an uprising.”
That is alarming talk, in a country that
suffered an on-and-off, 14-year-long civil
war that killed about 250,000 people—al-
most a tenth of the population at the time—
and destroyed the economy. Liberia’s con-
flict also devastated the region. The coun-
try’s former president, Charles Taylor,
started or fuelled wars in three neighbour-
ing countries: Sierra Leone, Guinea and
Ivory Coast.
After the fighting stopped in 2003, the
world poured in aid to support Liberia’s
transition to democracy and to prop up the
administration of Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, a
wily World Bank veteran who was elected
president in 2005. By 2010 the west African
nation was receiving $360 in aid per per-
son. Helping to keep the peace was a un
mission that cost more than $500m a year.
Since then, however, the world has lost
interest. By 2017 aid had slumped to just
$132 per person. In 2018 the un’s peace-
keepers packed away their blue helmets
and went home. Left in their wake are a fail-
ing economy and a weak state that has been
hollowed out by corruption and is still riv-
en by enmities.
Start with the economy. Between 2010
and 2014 growth was galloping along at
6-8% a year and was forecast to go into dou-
ble digits. Then the country was hit by two
enormous shocks. The first was an out-
break of Ebola in 2014 that killed almost
11,000 people in Liberia, scared off inves-
tors and aid workers and caused a reces-
sion. The second was the withdrawal of
peacekeepers, whose average annual bud-
get was equal to almost a quarter of Libe-
ria’s gdpbetween 2007 and 2018. The imf
expects growth of 0.4% this year.
Widespread corruption makes every-
thing worse. Last year a poll by Afrobaro-
meter found that half of Liberians had to
pay backhanders for public services.
In 2017 Liberians elected a former foot-
ball star, George Weah, as president. Mr
Weah promised to help the poor and give

corruption the boot. He is doing neither.
Scandals have blighted his first 18 months
in office and soaring inflation, which
peaked at 29% in December, is hurting the
poor in a country where more than half the
population lives on less than $2 a day.
The president’s conduct has not helped.
He has built about 50 houses in a com-
pound in the capital. He says he used mon-
ey he had earned during his days of football
stardom. But citizens cannot be sure of
this, since he has refused to publicly de-
clare his assets. “It raises eyebrows,” says
Anderson Miamen of Transparency Inter-
national, a corruption watchdog.
Governing a country as poor and frac-
tious as Liberia is an unenviable task. But
Mr Weah is simply not up to the job. He is
said to forget key facts, bungle media inter-
views and drift off in meetings.
In Gbarnga, Mr Taylor’s base during Li-
beria’s first civil war between 1989 and 1997,
social workers say crime and hard-drug use
are rising. David Brown, a 25-year-old
salesman who voted for Mr Weah, says this
is because people have lost hope. Keba Col-
lins started her business selling handbags
on the streets. Two years ago she was mak-
ing the equivalent of $75,000 a year. Now
her business is near to collapse—as are
those of several of her friends—because of
high inflation and the costs of corruption.
Frustration over graft and poor governance
led to people staging huge, peaceful prot-
ests in June (pictured).
St Peter’s Lutheran Church in Monrovia,
the capital, is filled with children and wor-
shippers. But its windows, pockmarked by
bulletholes, hint at a dark history: in 1990
government soldiers massacred 600 peo-
ple here. Isaac Dowah, the pastor, points at
two white stars marking the mass graves
and frets: “We’re at a breaking point.” 7

Economic crisis and corruption
scandals could lead to violence


On the edge

He was more popular on the pitch


o outsiders, beirut’staxi-hailing rit-
uals can seem baffling. A flurry of
honks announces the arrival of a driver,
who peers out of his window with eye-
brows raised. Hesitate a moment too
long—as the uninitiated often do—and
he’ll speed off, leaving the would-be pas-
senger breathing exhaust fumes and won-
dering what went wrong. But beneath this
brusque treatment lies a rich set of norms
and customs that have helped the shared
taxis, known as “service” taxis (or “ser-
vees”), survive the incursion of Uber into
Lebanon’s capital.
The service taxi system relies on split-
second individual negotiations, rather
than prices imposed by meters, regulations
or ride-sharing software. When a driver
spots a potential passenger, he slows down
until the passenger names a destination. If
the driver agrees, the ride costs a modest
2,000 Lebanese pounds ($1.33), usually less
than what Uber charges. He may also ask
for twice the fare or, for an out-of-the-way
trip, suggest that the passenger buys all the
seats for 10,000 pounds.
This system allows drivers and passen-
gers to reach agreements based on factors
such as traffic conditions and whether the
route is likely to provide more passengers.
“You have clear, true market economics,”
says Ziad Nakat of the World Bank. “It’s not
regulated or constrained—just supply and
demand, based on what you’re willing to
sell and what I’m willing to buy.” Both par-
ties appear happy with the system, al-
though it does make Beirut’s terrible traffic
even worse, as drivers slow down to haggle.
Many drivers shun Uber, fearing the
software will strand them on traffic-heavy
routes or penalise them for declining too
many rides. Others work with Uber, but act
as a service taxi when they think their local
knowledge will give them an edge over
Uber’s algorithm. (Uber cars and service
taxis have the same red licence-plates.)
Muhammad, an Uber driver, turns the app
off on Sundays, when certain high-demand
routes earn him nearly double. “It depends
on if it’s good for me,” he says.
The residents of Beirut came to rely on
service taxis after trams and railways were
destroyed during the 15-year civil war that
ended in 1990. Service taxis are lightly reg-
ulated, but because they rely mainly on col-
lective norms they endured even as the
country’s dysfunctional politics hindered
the reintroduction of public transport. In a

How Beirut’s shared taxis cope with
competition from Uber

Ride-sharing in Lebanon

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