The Economist USA - 10.08.2019

(ff) #1
The EconomistAugust 10th 2019 Science & technology 65



sociated with such a de-orbiting is much
larger than that of a properly controlled re-
entry. It is still possible to arrange for this
zone to have lots of oceans and few big cit-
ies. But there is not the certainty of no casu-
alties that the South Pacific Ocean Un-
inhabited Area brings with it. Also, though
more economical than the fully controlled
variety, semi-controlled re-entry is not
free. Saving fuel for it shortens mission
lengths. Adding a drag sail adds to launch
weight. In practice, therefore, almost all
spacecraft re-enter the atmosphere at ran-
dom. But this has not prevented experts
from working out the probability that the
random re-entry of a given mission will
cause casualties. And that is useful infor-
mation, because it can be used to decide
whether a mission should go ahead in the
first place.
Re-entry-survivability analysis, as it is
known, is done using software that
crunches data on the size, shape, configu-
ration, composition and thickness of a sat-
ellite’s components. That provides an esti-
mate of the number, weight, size and
shape—and therefore potential harmful-
ness—of pieces that atmospheric friction
will not reduce to dust. The probability of
casualties can then be calculated in light of
the population density under the space-
craft’s orbit.
Hyperschall Technologie Göttingen
(htg), a German firm, charges about
€50,000 for such an analysis. Its clients in-
clude three European satellite manufactur-
ers—ohbSystem of Germany, Elecnor of
Spain and Airbus—as well as several space
agencies. For their money, these organisa-
tions get a bespoke assessment of the likely
fate of a particular spacecraft, based on dig-
ital files of its design, and using programs
with names like “Spacecraft Entry Survival
Analysis Module” and “Debris Risk Assess-
ment and Mitigation Analysis” that have

been calibrated by experiments in the plas-
ma wind tunnels owned by Germany’s
space agency.
If these calculations come back show-
ing that the risk of a satellite killing or in-
juring someone during re-entry is greater
than one in 10,000—which roughly half
do—then permission to launch will proba-
bly be denied unless the craft is redesigned
or can be rigged for a semi-controlled entry
at more favourable odds. The idea of setting
the acceptable risk at 10,000 to one, though
derided by some as arbitrary, was adopted
by America’s space agency, nasa, in 1995,
by Japan in 1997, by France in 1998 and by a
dozen or so other places in the years since.

Feeling the heat
Having to do such calculations at all,
though, is suboptimal. The best solution to
the problem of re-entering space debris is
to build spacecraft so that nothing will
reach the ground in the first place. One way
to “design for demise”, says Ettore Perozzi,
an expert on debris at Italy’s space agency,
is to build a spacecraft “like a chocolate
bar”, so that it snaps easily into pieces. The
idea is for specially positioned weak parts
to fail early during re-entry, ripping the
thing apart at an altitude of about 125km,
rather than the standard 80km or so. This
exposes the spacecraft’s guts to greater de-
structive heat for additional seconds.
One promising means of getting a
spacecraft to rip open early, according to
Charlotte Bewick, head engineer for debris
at ohbSystem, is to forge screws, nuts and
other parts for couplings out of special
“shape memory” alloys. When heated,
these alloys return to a “remembered”
shape they once held—which, in this case,
will facilitate a rapid wiggling apart early in
re-entry. Thales Alenia Space, a Franco-
Italian firm, sees more promise in another
way of accelerating a spacecraft’s break-up.
It has patented a “demisable” coupling
that, thanks to a special washer, comes
apart quickly when heated. Engineers are
testing prototypes in a plasma wind tunnel
and reckon the winning design will con-
tain a low-melting-point alloy of zinc.
Another way to reduce what reaches the
ground is to substitute refractory materials
such as titanium and steel, used to make
things like fuel tanks and fly wheels, with
substances such as aluminium and graph-
ite epoxy that vaporise more easily. Accord-
ing to Lilith Grassi, a debris expert at Thales
Alenia, this approach is bearing fruit.
Even these measures, though, will not
bring every spacecraft into compliance
with the one-in-10,000 rule. So engineers
have thought up additional ways to lower
the likelihood of a casualty. Those at ohb
System, for example, have proposed fas-
tening together with strong cabling any
components expected to survive re-entry.
That will prevent them from fanning out—

meaning, as Dr Bewick puts it, that the sur-
viving debris will hit Earth like a single bul-
let instead of a shotgun blast, thus reduc-
ing the chance that anyone will be struck.
ohbSystem has yet to find a customer
for a satellite fitted with such containment
cabling. It would add weight, and thus cost.
Moreover, some dislike the notion of in-
creasing the amount of material that will
strike Earth, even if that increase reduces
the chance of a death. But a related ap-
proach is under study at Thales Alenia.
This firm may begin encasing in a single
package the lenses and other components
of optical systems that currently often hit
the ground as a spray.
Something no one seems to be asking in
all this, is what an appropriate level of safe-
ty for satellite re-entries actually is. The
original reason for picking 10,000 to one as
an acceptable risk level has been lost in the
mists of time. To a given individual in
Earth’s human population of 7.5bn, it
translates into one chance in 75 trillion per
re-entry. This is vanishingly small, even in
a world where re-entries are numbered in
the hundreds per year.
On the other hand, any death delivered
from outer space in this way would be
headline news, and might result in calls for
the rules to be tightened still further. So far,
the satellite business has a pretty good
safety record. It would like to keep things
that way. 7


fter 29 hoursof uninterrupted nego-
tiations the latest report from the In-
tergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(ipcc), on how alterations in land use are
contributing to such change, was gavelled
through in Geneva on the afternoon of Au-
gust 7th. When, minutes later, your corre-
spondent asked to speak with some of the
researchers, she was informed they had
“gone to bed”. The report these exhausted
delegates produced—all 1,300 pages of it—
fires another warning shot about the state
of the planet and the way people are trans-
forming virtually every corner of every
continent. Human activities affect roughly
three-quarters of Earth’s ice-free land, with
huge consequences for the climate.
Land masses are natural carbon sinks,
absorbing greenhouse gases by a variety of
processes, including photosynthesis. They
also produce such gases—for instance,
when vegetation decomposes or burns. By

Gloom, but not complete doom, from
the climate-change front line

The IPCC land-use report

Il faut cultiver

notre jardin

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