Barn Owl
Binomial Name: Tyto alba
This magical bird also likes to be close to human habitat. It never harms people but doesgood by eating city rats. This nocturnal bird is an uncommon resident bird of Bangladesh.
Its name is the Barn Owl. They live in cities, villages, arable lands, fallow houses, caves,and the country's mangrove forests. The food list includes
nocturnal rats, moles, small bats, and birds. They becomemore active after midnight or dusk. Their breeding
season depends on the abundance of food. At this time,
they lay eggs by making nests in tree caves, buildings,and farm houses.
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AvevwRwg, †cv‡ovevwo, ̧nv Ges ev
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Av‡Q wbkvPi Buyi, gywlK, Ly‡
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vjvb I
Lvgvi evwoi Qv‡` evmv
evwb‡q wWg cv‡o|
(^100) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban
Photo © Uzzal Kundu