Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

Buffy Fish Owl
Binomial Name: Ketupa ketupu
The Buffy Fish Owl is a rare resident bird of Bangladesh. There is no record of seeing
anywhere else outside the Sundarban in Bangladesh. Like other owls, the shy bird hidesbehind a tree during the day. Mangrove forests are their favorite place to roam. They sit
quietly at night, looking for prey in the water or mud. Although fish is the favorite food, iteats insects, frogs, reptiles, small mammals, and bats. They are more active at dawn and
dusk, as well as on full-moon nights. The breeding season runs from December to May.
During this time, they make nests in natural cracks or holes in the tree's trunk.
†g‡U †g‡Qvcu ̈vPv
†g‡U †g‡Qvcu ̈vPv evsjv‡‡ki weij AvevwmK cvwL| evsjv‡‡k my›ieb Qvov Avi †Kv_vI †Lvi
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†Mva~wj I c~wY©gv iv‡Z Giv †ewk Kg©Zrci v‡K| wW‡m¤^i †‡K †g gvm cÖRbb FZz| Gmgq Giv
Mv‡Qi Kv‡Ði cÖvK...wZK dvUj ev †dvK‡i evmv euv‡a|
Birds of the Sundarban I 103

Photo © Sadat Amin Khan

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