Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

Orange-breasted Green Pigeon
Binomial Name: Treron bicincta
The bird was once a common sight almost all over the country; now, it is an uncommonresident bird. Although found in the evergreen forests of Chittagong, Dhaka, Khulna, and
Sylhet, the Orange-breasted Green Pigeon’s largest habitat is the Sundarban. Usuallywandering around in groups, other flocks of green pigeons are also seen roaming together.
Likes banyan, figs, ripe dates, jujube and other small fruits. They live in trees and do notland on the ground without water. The breeding season is June-July. Breeding times vary
from area to area. They build their nests on the high branches of trees with thin sticks. Twoeggs are laid.

KgjveyK nwiqvj
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hvq| eU, cvKzo, Wzgyi, cvKv †LRyi, eoB I G-RvZxq †QvU dj
cQ›K‡i| Giv Mv‡QB _v‡K, Rjcvb e ̈wZ‡i‡K gvwU‡Z bv‡g bv Lye GKUv| cÖRbb mgq Ryb- RyjvB| GjvKv‡f‡
cÖRbb mgq Avjvv| Mv‡Qi DuPz Wv‡j miæ KvwV w‡q evmv evu‡a,
wWg cv‡o|

(^110) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban
Photo © Foridi Numan

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