Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

Common Coot, Eurasian Coot
Binomial Name: Fulica atra
The Common Coot is a Common migratory bird of Bangladesh. They are endemic tosouthern Siberia, North Asia, and the Himalayas. They come to our country in harsh winter
for warmth and food. They took shelter in freshwater reservoirs, extensive marsh,marshland, lakes and estuaries. Thousands of birds roam together. They are mainly aquatic
birds. Collects food by swimming or diving in the water. Their favourite food is sprouts ofaquatic plants, seeds, insects, earthworms, and snails. During the breeding season from
May to December, aquatic plants floating very close to the water in Siberia build their nests
with nests of weeds.

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wngvjq A‡j| cÖPÛ kx‡Z Avgv‡i †‡k P‡j Av‡mÑ ïay Lv‡̈i mÜv‡bB bq, DòZvi cÖqvR‡bI| AvkÖq †bq my‡cq R‡ji Rjvkq, nvIi-evuIo, wej-wSj Ges †gvnbvq| Giv RjPi cvwL| nvu‡mi g‡Zv ªæZ K‡i Do‡Z cv‡i bv| Iovi cÖ ̄‘wZ wb‡Z
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K‡i| cvwb‡Z mvuZvi †K‡U ev Wze w‡q Lvevi msMÖn K‡i| RjR Dw™¢‡i A¼zi, exR,
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mvB‡ewiqvi cvwbi Lye Kv‡Q fvmgvb RjR Dw™¢‡`i Dci
AvMvQvi ̄‘c K‡i evmv evwb‡q wWg cv‡o|

Birds of the Sundarban I 117

common Photo © Foridi Numan
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