Ruddy-breasted Crake
Binomial Name: Porzana fusca
The Ruddy-breasted Crake is a rare resident bird of Bangladesh. It can be seen in theChittagong, Khulna, and Sylhet reservoirs. They are very cautious, clever, timid, and very
agile birds. They sunbathe on winter mornings. Their primary food is small shrimp, water-mud-algae, and aquatic insects born in piles of rotten underwater leaves. Mosquitoes are
also their favourite food. During the breeding season from June to October, they build nestson the soil with sugarcane leaves and other leaves. It nests in bushes, grasslands, and
even paddy fields.
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†SvcSvW, Nvmeb, GgbwK avb‡¶‡ZI evmv K‡i| Photo © Foridi Numan
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