Common Redshank
Binomial Name: Tringa totanus
The original habitat of the Common Redshank is from Central East Asia to Lake Baikal.They come to our country as migrants in winter. It is a common migratory bird in
Bangladesh. In winter, the extensive marshes, swamplands, rivers, mudslides, lakes,mangrove forests, estuaries, and coasts of all divisions are roamed. They usually roam in
flocks. Walks in shallow water and collects food from the water. The food list includesaquatic insects, earthworms, snails, shrimp, and small fish. During the summer breeding
season in mountainous areas of Europe and China, they build nests on the ground with
leaves under foliage or sometimes use old nests.
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Birds of the Sundarban I 137
Photo © Foridi Numan