Bronze-winged Jacana
Binomial Name: Metopidius indicus
The Bronze-winged Jacana is a rare resident bird of Bangladesh. Almost all divisions arefound in bogs, swamps, lakes, swamps, and water forests. They usually roam in pairs or
small family groups. They feed by walking on aquatic plants and overturning floating objects.Food includes aquatic insects, larvae, snails, and seeds of aquatic plants. During the rainy
season of June–July, floating plants build nests in piles of grass and aquatic weeds. Afterthe male bird builds the nest, the female bird lays the eggs. After laying the eggs, the
female bird moves away and finds another male mate. Meanwhile, the male is responsible
for laying the eggs and raising the baby.
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Iqv I ev”Pv jvjb-cvjb Kivi `vwqZ¡ MÖnY K‡i|
Birds of the Sundarban I 143
Photo © Adnan Hossain Somrat