Kentish Plover
Binomial Name: Charadrius alexandrinus
The Kentish Plover is a common migratory bird in Bangladesh. They came to our countryin October with the message of the coming winter. They roam near water bodies or estuaries
in coastal forests, sandbars on islands or springs in mountainous areas. Sometimes it isalso seen wandering through the cultivated land of farmers in coastal areas. They hunt in
small or mixed flocks. Thousands of birds can be seen together in flocks. They eat food byrunning loudly in the mud for a short distance and inserting their beak into the ground.
Their diet includes insects, shrimp, snails, and spiders. During the breeding season from
March to August, they lay their eggs in shallow burrows on sandy coastal islands.
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(^146) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban
Photo © Foridi Numan