Pallas’s Fish Eagle
Binomial Name: Haliaeetus leucoryphus
The Pallas's Fish Eagle is basically a permanent resident of the subcontinent. From Kashmirto Himachal, Pakistan and the North Indian Himalayas up to 1800 ft., to Assam, West Bengal
and Bangladesh. Pallas's Fish Eagle is an uncommon resident bird of Bangladesh. Onceupon a time, many were seen around our country's big rivers, Haor or Dighi. Over the past
few decades, their presence has been decreasing at an alarming rate. They search for preyby sitting on trees or on the ground, or by flying in the sky. When it finds prey, it grabs it
with long claws and eats it. Fish, water birds, snakes, and frogs are their favourite food.
October to February is their breeding season. At this time, they make a big, loft-like nestwith branches and green grass near the water.
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(^174) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban
Photo © Foridi Numan