Brahminy Kite
Binomial Name: Haliastur indus
The well-known Brahminy Kite is included in many poems, songs and novels of Bengaliliterature. It is a common resident bird of Bangladesh. They are roaming more or less
everywhere in the country. Usually flies alone, in pairs or in small groups. They searchfor prey by sitting somewhere or flying in circles in the sky. When prey is caught, it is
picked up with long claws. The diet includes fish, crabs, frogs, lizards, rats, small snakes,
chickens, and other scraps. During the breeding season, from December to April, theylay their eggs by making a nest like a messy loft made of branches, leaves, collected
clothes, and collected plastic in big trees.
k•L wPj
evsjv mvwn‡Z ̈i A‡bK KweZv, Mvb wKsev
Dcb ̈vm Ry‡o Av‡Q mevi cwiwPZ k•L wPj|
bvbv A‡ji gvbyl cvwLwU‡K bvbv bv‡g †P‡b|
†hgb- jvj wPj, PÐx wPj, gb wPj, dZv wPj, k¼i wPj BZ ̈vw
| k•L wPj
evsjv‡‡ki myjf AvevwmK cvwL| my›
ie‡bi ch©UKevnx Rjhv‡bi †cQ‡b
†cQ‡b ninv‡gkvB G‡i K‡qKwU‡K Do‡Z †
Lv hvq| †‡ki me©ÎB Kg-†ewk G‡
i wePiY i‡q‡Q| GgbwK kn‡ii
evwm›vivI G‡
i m‡½ cwiwPZ| mPivPi
GKv, †Rvovq wKsev †QvU ‡j D‡o Ny‡i †eovq| †Kv_vI e‡m ev AvKv‡k e„ËvKv‡i D‡o Giv wkKvi mÜvb K‡i| wkKvi Avq‡Z¡i g‡a ̈ †c‡j cv‡qi j¤^v bL w
‡q Zz‡j †bq|
Lvev‡ii ZvwjKvq Av‡Q gvQ, KvuKov, e ̈vO,
wUKwUwK, Buyi, gywlK, †QvU mvc, †cvKv, nvum- gyiwMi Qvbv Ges me ai‡Yi Dw”Qó| wW‡m¤^ i †_‡K GwcÖj gv‡mi cÖRbbKv‡j eo Mv‡Q Wvjcvjv, cvZv, Kzov‡bv Kvco-†Pvco, Kzov‡bv cøvw÷K w
‡q A‡MvQv‡jv gvPvi g‡Zv evmv
evwb‡q Giv wWg cv‡o|
Photo © Foridi Numan
Birds of the Sundarban I 181