Peregrine Falcon
Binomial Name: Falco peregrines
The Peregrine Falcon is a rare migratory bird of prey inBangladesh. The title of the world's fastest animal is in its
basket. Peregrines can run up to 200 miles per hour to catchprey. Their main habitat is the Arctic region. It comes to our
country after travelling thousands of miles in winter. It can beseen in almost all regions of the country. Wander through
rivers, lakes, lagoons or mangrove forests. They search for
prey by sitting on branches or the ground or flying in circlesin the sky. As soon as it sees the prey, it quickly jumps and
catches it. Their diet includes terrestrial birds, shorebirds,waterfowl, pet pigeons and bats. Peregrines do not build
nests. They lay eggs sides of hills, in rock crevices, on
the ground, and even on the margins of buildingsin their native habitat.
†c‡iwMÖb kvwnb
†c‡iwMÖb kvwnb evsjv‡`‡ki weij cwihvqx wkKvix
cvwL| c„w_exi me‡P‡q `ªæZMvgx cÖvYxi wk‡ivcv Av‡Q
Zvi Szuwo‡Z| wkKvi‡K aivi Rb ̈ Giv N›Uvq cÖvq
200 gvBj †e‡M QzU‡Z cv‡i| G‡`i g~j Avevm
my‡giæ A‡j| kxZKv‡j nvRvi nvRvi gvBj cvwo
w`‡q Avgv‡`i †`‡k Av‡m| Gmgq †`‡ki cÖvq me
A‡jB †`Lv hvq| wePiY K‡i b`x, n«`, †j ̧b wKsev
g ̈vb‡Mvf e‡b| Wv‡j wKsev gvwU‡Z e‡m A_ev e„ËvKv‡i
AvKv‡k D‡o Giv wkKvi mÜvb K‡i| wkKvi‡K †`LvgvÎ
`ªæZMwZ‡Z Suvwc‡q c‡o a‡i †d‡j| G‡`i Lvev‡ii
ZvwjKvq Av‡Q f~Pi cvwL, ˆmKr-cvwL, RjPi cvwL, †cvlv
KeyZi Ges ev`yo| †cwiwMÖbiv evmv evbvqbv| g~j
Avev‡m cvnv‡oi wKbvivq, cv_‡ii Lvu‡R, gvwU‡Z
GgbwK fe‡bi wKbvivq wWg cv‡o|
Photo © Foridi Numan
(^186) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban