Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

Little Grebe
Binomial Name: Tachybaptus ruficollis
The Little Grebe is an uncommon resident aquatic bird of Bangladesh. Even a fewdecades ago, the bird was an easy sight. They used to be seen in most parts of the
country, but not so much now. In almost all regions of our country, the extensive marsh,swampland, pond, or river usually wanders in pairs or small groups. Although they swim
in the water, they search for food by diving—that is, they prefer to catch prey by sinkingand have no appetite for floating prey. Food includes fish, frogs, toads, insects, and
small shrimp. During the breeding season from April to October, they build their nests
in piles of weeds or floating plants near the water.

†QvU Wzeywi
†QvU Wzeywi evsjv‡‡kiyj©f AvevwmK RjPi cvwL| wKQz kK Av‡MI cvwLwU myjfk©b
wQj| †‡ki AwaKvsk ̄’v‡b G‡i †Lv †hZ, eZ©gv‡b †Zgb GKUv bR‡i c‡o bv| Avgv‡i
‡ki cÖvq me A‡ji nvIi, wej, cyKzi wKsev bx‡Z mvaviYZ †Rvovq wKsev †QvU ‡j wePiY K‡i| Giv cvwb‡Z mvuZvi KvU‡jI Lvevi mÜvb K‡i Wz e w‡qÑ A©vr Giv Wzwe‡q wkKvi
ai‡Z cQ›` K‡i, fvmgvb wkKv‡ii cÖwZ AvMÖn †bB ej‡jB P‡j| Lvev‡ii ZvwjKvq gvQ,
e ̈vO, e ̈vOvwP, †cvKv I †QvU wPswo RvZxq cÖvYx| GwcÖj †
‡K A‡±vei gv‡mi cÖRbbKv‡j
Giv cvwbi Kv‡Q fvmgvb Dw™¢‡` AvMvQvi ̄‘c K‡i evmv evbvq|


Photo © Foridi Numan

Birds of the Sundarban I 189

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