Verditer Flycatcher
Binomial Name: Eumyias thalassina
Like other flycatchers, the Verditer Flycatcher does not hide behind leaves. The bird sits inthe open with its chest pulled. Can sing well. Although a small bird, it migrates about twenty
thousand miles and comes to our country in winter from the countries of East and SoutheastAsia. The Verditer Flycatcher is a common migratory bird of Bangladesh. The bird is found
in almost all forests including mangrove forests of Chittagong, Dhaka, Khulna and Sylhetdivisions of Bangladesh during the winter season. They usually roam alone or in pairs.
Sitting on leafless branches of trees, they hunt and eat flying insects. During the nesting
period of April to August, they lay their eggs in holes in trees, rock crevices or green mossin ferns.
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Birds of the Sundarban I 243
Photo © Foridi Numan