Asian Brown Flycatcher
Binomial Name: Muscicapa dauurica
The Asian Brown Flycatcher is a rare migratory small insect-eating bird of Bangladesh. Heflies to this country from his own home to eat insects. The bird has a global distribution in
countries of South, East and Southeast Asia including India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, SriLanka, Siberia, Mongolia, China, Korea, Japan, Philippines and Indonesia. They are found
in almost all types of forests of Chittagong, Dhaka, Khulna and Sylhet divisions. They sit ontree branches and fly to collect food. Various types of small flying insects are their food.
During the nesting season, they make a nest with soft roots, scales and feathers on the
leafless open branches of trees and lay eggs.
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Avevm †‡K D‡o P‡j Av‡m G‡‡k| fviZ, cvwK ̄Ívb, †bcvj, f~Uvb, kÖxj¼v, mvB‡ewiqv, g‡½vwjqv, Pxb, †Kvwiqv, Rvcvb, wdwjcvBb I B‡›
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i‡K cvIqv
hvq| Giv Mv‡Qi Wv‡j e‡m †‡K D‡o wM‡q Lvevi msMÖn
K‡i| bvbv cÖKv‡ii ÿzª DošÍ cZ½ Zv‡
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ˆZixi †gŠmy‡g Mv‡Qi cvZvnxb †Lvjv Wv‡j wPKb
g~j, Avuk I cvjK w`‡q evmv evwb‡q wWg
Birds of the Sundarban I 245
Photo © Foridi Numan