Blue Rock Thrush
Binomial Name: Monticola solitarius
The Blue Rock Thrush is a rare migratory terrestrial bird ofBangladesh. It has global distribution from Siberia to
Southeast and Central Asia, Northern China, Malaysia,Southern Europe, Northern Africa. Found in all
divisions of Bangladesh in winter. They usually roamsolitary in wasteland, open forest, localities. When
another bird enters the occupied area, it starts a
fight and does not even spare the Drongo. Theysearch for prey by perching on high ground and
catch prey by descending to the ground. Apartfrom insects, lizards, small frogs, figs and juicy
fruits are in their food list. During the breeding
season from April to July, they mate and makenests of grass, roots and hair in cracks in
rocks, steep mountains, trees or walls.
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vgv evsjv‡‡ki
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w¶Y BD‡ivc, DËi Avwd«Kv ch©šÍ| kxZKv‡j
evsjv‡‡ki me wefv‡M cvIqv hvq| Giv cwZZ Rwg, gy³eb, †jvKvj‡q mvaviYZ GKvKx wePiY K‡i|
Lj Kiv hvqMvq Ab ̈ †Kv‡bv cvwL G‡j SMov-weevïiæ K‡i †
q, GgbwK wd‡O‡KI
Qvo †q bv| Giv DuPz ̄’v‡b e‡m wkKvi mÜvb Ges gvwU‡Z †b‡g wkKvi a‡i †d‡j| †cvKvgvKo, wUKwUwK, †QvU e ̈vO QvovI Wygyi I imv‡jv dj i‡q‡Q G‡
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RyjvB gv‡mi cÖRbbKv‡j Giv †Rvo ev‡a Ges wbR Avev‡m cv_i, Lvuov ce©Z, MvQ ev †qv‡ji dvU‡j Nvm, g~j I Pzj w
‡q evmv ˆZix K‡i|
Birds of the Sundarban I 251
Photo © Foridi Numan