Common Chiffchaff
Binomial Name: Phylloscopus collybita
It sings 'Chiff Chaff' all day long, henceCommon Chiffchaff. In winter, when the
temperature in their native place drops tofreezing, they take shelter in the hope of
warmth and food in South Asian countries,including ours. The Common Chiffchaff is a
rare migratory insectivorous bird of
Bangladesh. The bird roams in the commonthickets, mangrove forests, reed forests, or
gardens of Chittagong, Dhaka, Khulna, andSylhet divisions in winter. At this time, they
eat insects by jumping or flying in a mixed
flock with other small birds of prey. They nestin Siberian thorn bushes during the breeding
season from April to August.
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Lyjbv I wm‡jU wefv‡Mi mvaviY †Svc, g ̈vb‡MÖ vf
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AvM‡÷i cÖRbb FZz‡Z mvB‡ewiqvi KvuUvIqvjv
rare Mv‡Qi †Sv‡c evmv evbvq|
migratory Photo © Foridi Numan
(^284) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban