Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

White-throated Silverbill, Indian silverbill
Binomial Name: Lonchura malabarica
The White-throated Silverbill is a grass-bird. White-throated Silverbill uncommon residentbird in Bangladesh bird list. There is no opportunity to see them everywhere. They are
usually found in small groups in grasslands, scrub, tall grass forests or reeds of Chittagong,Dhaka, Khulna, Rajshahi and Sylhet divisions. They jump down to the ground in grasslands
and eat small insects or grass seeds. Entire family groups sometimes spend the night inabandoned nests of Baya Weavers. They build their nests in thorn bushes or reed forests
during the breeding season from July to December.

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Birds of the Sundarban I 299

Photo © Foridi Numan

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