Common Rosefinch, Scarlet Rosefinch
Binomial Name: Carpodacus erythrinus
The Common Rosefinch is a rare migratory songbird of Bangladesh. This grass-bird isnative to Sweden, Siberia, the Caucasus region, northern Iran, Afghanistan, Tibet, China,
and parts of Japan. In winter, they migrate to India, Myanmar, Southeast China, includingBangladesh. At this time, in Chittagong, Khulna, Barisal, and Sylhet divisions of our country,
shrubs and bushes, isolated trees and plants, grasslands, open forests, and mangroveforests are often found in pairs or small flocks. Roaming on grasses, trees, and ground,
they eat seeds, flower buds, fruits, and insects. Although they can sing melodiously, they
sometimes imitate other birds. During the breeding season from June to August, they makenests in the bushes or grasses of their original habitat and lay their eggs.
cvwZ ZzwZ, ̧jvwe ZzwZ, jvj ev‡Nwi, jvj wMwi
cvwZ ZzwZ evsjv‡‡ki weij cwihvqx Z... YPvix MvqK cvwL| cvwLwUi g~ j Avevm myB‡Wb, mvB‡ewiqv, K‡Kkvm AÂj, DËi Bivb, AvdMvwb ̄Ívb, wZeŸZ, Pxb Ges Rvcv‡bi wKQz GjvKvq| kxZKv‡j Giv evsjv‡
kmn fviZ, gvqvbgvi, w¶Y-c~e© Pxb ch©šÍ cwihvqb K‡i| Gmgq Avgv‡
i †`‡ki PÆMÖvg, Lyjbv, ewikvj I wm‡jU wefv‡Mi †Svc-
Svo, wew”Qbœ MvQ-cvjv, Z...Yf~wg, †Lvjv ebf~wg I g ̈vb‡MÖvf e‡b
mPivPi †Rvov wKsev †QvU Sv‡K cvIqv hvq| Nvm, MvQ Ges
f~wg‡Z wePiY K‡i Giv exR, dz‡ji Kzuwo, dj I †cvKvgvKo Lvq|
wb‡Riv my‡ijv K‡É Mvb MvB‡Z cvi‡jI gv‡S-g‡a ̈ Ab ̈ cvwLi
myi AbyKiY K‡i| Ryb †_‡K AvM÷ gv‡mi cÖRbbKv‡j g~j
Avev‡mi †Svc A_ev Nv‡mi g‡a ̈ evmv evwb‡q wWg
(^310) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban
Photo © Shafiullah Hares