Eurasian Wryneck
Binomial Name: Jynx torquilla
The Eurasian Wryneck is an uncommon migratory bird of Bangladesh. Bangladesh'sChittagong, Dhaka, Khulna, and Sylhet divisions Can be found in the country throughout
the winter. Winter habitat is usually found in bushes, forests, gardens, farms, and lands.They do not want to fly quickly but travel long distances continuously during migration.
They jump on the ground in search of food. Their favorite diet list includes ants, eggs,pupae, termites, dung beetles, Etc. The Eurasian Wryneck is a very clever and cautious
bird. When he senses danger, he becomes like a zombie and runs away when anyoneapproaches him. Whenever a person falls within reach, the feathers of the neck become
swollen, the eyes turn upside down, and the neck and head turn 180 degrees as if they
are dying. When the man is distracted, he will fly away. Their breeding season is from Mayto July. At this time, from southern Siberia to China, they nest in small holes.
†g‡Vv KvV‡VvKiv, BD‡ikxq Nvoe ̈v, BD‡ikxq NvoeuvKv
†g‡Vv KvV‡VvKiv evsjv‡‡ki
yj©f cwihvqx cvwL| kxZKv‡j evsjv‡‡ki PÆMÖvg, XvKv, Lyjbv I wm‡jU wefv‡Mi MÖvgv‡j †
Lv hvq| †SuvcSvo, ebcÖvšÍ, evMvb, Lvgvi I Rwgi AvB‡j kx‡Zi
Avev‡m mvaviYZ GKv Nyi‡Z †Lv hvq| mn‡R Do‡Z Pvq bv, wKš‘ cwihvq‡bi mgq Giv GKbvMv‡o
xN©c cvwo †q| gvwU‡Z jvwd‡q jvwd‡q PjvPj K‡i Lvevi †Luv‡R| Lvev‡ii ZvwjKvq Av‡Q wcucov, wcucovi wWg, wcDcv, DuB‡cvKv, †Mve‡i †cvKv BZ ̈vw
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Pxb ch©šÍ Giv †QvU M‡Z© evmv evu‡a|
(^60) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban
Photo © Foridi Numan