Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

Greater Yellownape
Binomial Name: Picus flavinucha
The Greater Yellownape is thecommon resident bird in Bangladesh.
They usually roam in the broad-leaved evergreen forests, deciduous
forests, tea gardens, hilly forests, andmangrove forests of Chittagong,
Khulna, and Sylhet in pairs or as afamily. They collect food from the bark
of trees. Ants, tree borer insects,termites, flowers, and fruit juices are
their favorite foods. The breedingseason is from March to May. At this
time, they make a hole in the trunk ofa big tree in the forest or an upward
branch and lay eggs.
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eo Mv‡Qi Kv‡Ð A_ev DcigywL kvLvq
MZ© evwb‡q evmv K‡i wWg cv‡o|

Birds of the Sundarban I 65

Photo © Foridi Numan
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