Indian Roller
Binomial Name: Coracias benghalensis
The Indian Roller is an uncommon resident bird ofBangladesh. It can be seen in all divisions. They roam in
the village, on farms, deciduous forests,forest edges, grasslands, and
bushes. They look for prey onthe ground below, sitting
branches, fence poles, or electricalone on leafless tree
lizards, frogs, and snakes. The breedingwires. The diet list includes insects,
their nests in the hollow of a tree or aseason is from April to May. They make
building made of grass.
evsjv bxjKvšÍ
evsjv bxjKÉ
evsjv‡`‡ki `yj©f AvevwmK cvwL| my›`iebmn me
wefv‡Mi MÖvgv‡j, Lvgv‡i, cvZvSiv eb, e‡bi
cÖvšÍ‡`k, Z...Yf~wg, †Suvc-Sv‡o wePiY K‡i| Giv
cvZvnxb Mv‡Qi Wvj, †eovi euvk wKsev we`y ̈‡Zi Zv‡i
wbi‡e GKvKx e‡m wb‡Pi f~wg‡Z wkKvi †Luv‡R| Lvev‡ii
ZvwjKvq Av‡Q †cvKvgvKo, wUKwUwK, e ̈vO I mvc|
cÖRbb FZz GwcÖj-†g gvm| evmv K‡i Mv‡Qi †KvU‡i A_ev
`vjv‡bi †duvK‡i| Nvm I LoKz‡Uv w`‡q ˆZix evmvq wWg
Photo © Mugniur Rahman Moni
(^74) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban