Grey-bellied Cuckoo
Binomial Name: Cacomantis passerinus
The Gray-bellied Cuckoo is a rare sightingbird in Bangladesh. It is more common in the
Khulna division, including Sundarban. Itusually roams alone or in pairs in mangrove
forests, open forests, groves, and arablelands. The food list includes soft-bodied
insects, bed bugs, and caterpillars. June-
September is the laying season. The Gray-bellied Cuckoo does not nest, hatch, or even
raise chicks. The female Gray-bellied Cuckoosecretly lays eggs in the warbler's nest,
prinia. The foster mothers hatch the eggs
with it and take care of the chicks.
†g‡U‡cU cvwcqv, a~mi †KvwKj
Mv‡bi cvwL wn‡m‡e Avjv`v K`i Av‡Q cvwLwUi|
cvwLwU †fv‡i wKsev mÜ ̈v-†Mva~wj‡Z, †gNv”Qbœ
w`‡b wKsev c~wY©gv iv‡Z †kvKvZzi K‡É Wv‡K|
†g‡U‡cU cvwcqv evsjv‡`‡ki weij `k©b
AvevwmK cvwL| my›`iebmn Lyjbv wefv‡MB †ewk
†`Lv hvq, PÆMÖvg I wm‡jU wefv‡M AwbqwgZ
†`Lv hvq| mvaviYZ GKv wKsev †Rvovq ev`veb,
†Lvjv eb, KzÄeb, ebf~wg I Avevw` Rwg‡Z
wePiY K‡i| Mv‡Qi †Suv‡c GK MvQ †_‡K Av‡iK
Mv‡Q `ªæZ D‡o Lvevi Lvq| Lvev‡ii ZvwjKvq
Av‡Q big †`‡ni †cvKvgvKo, Qvi‡cvKv I
ïu‡qv‡cvKv| Ryb-†m‡Þ¤^i wWg cvovi †gŠmyg|
†g‡U‡cU cvwcqv evmv ˆZwi, wWg †dvUv‡bv
GgbwK Qvbvi cwiPh©v, jvjb-cvjb K‡i bv|
†g‡qcvwL dzUwK, wcÖbvi evmvq †Mvc‡b wWg
cv‡o| wW‡gi iO cvjK gvZvi wW‡gi m‡½ wg‡j
hvq| cvjK gv‡qivB †mB wW‡g Zv w`‡q †dvUvq,
Qvbv‡`i cwiPh©v I jvjb-cvjb K‡i|
(^88) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban Photo courtesy : Rison Thumboor/Wikimedia Commons