Indian Cuckoo
Binomial Name: Cuculus
The Indian Cuckoo is a commonresident bird of Bangladesh. It can be
seen in the rural forests of all thedivisions. They do not sit still and call
while flying. As he calls during the day,he also calls at night. Moonlight nights
are their favorite. It eats food by turningthe leaves on the tree's canopy or the
ground. The food list includescaterpillars and soft-bodied insects. The
Indian Cuckoo is a parasitic bird.Breeding season, April-June. They do
not build nests, lay eggs or raise chicks.Females lay eggs on the nests of
Drongo or Oriole.
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KIÕ wKsev ÔnK K_v KIÕ e‡j WvK‡Q| Gi
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KwVb| w ̄’i †Kv_vI bv e‡m Do‡Z Do‡ZB
Giv †W‡K P‡j| w`‡bI †hgb Wv‡K,
iv‡ZI Wv‡K| Puv`wb ivZ Gi Lye wcÖq| eD
K_v KI evsjv‡`‡ki myjf AvevwmK cvwL|
me wefv‡Mi MÖvgxb eb-R½‡jB †`Lv hvq|
Mv‡Qi Puv‡`vqvq wKsev gvwU‡Z c‡o _vKv
cvZv Dwë‡q Lvevi Lvq| Lvev‡ii ZvwjKvq
Av‡Q ïu‡qv‡cvKv I †Kvgj kix‡ii
†cvKvgvKo| eD K_v KI ciRxwe cvwL|
GwcÖj-Ryb cÖRbb FZz| evmv ˆZwi, wWg
†dvUv‡bv wKsev Qvbv cvj‡bi †KvbwUB Giv
K‡i bv| †g‡qcvwL wd‡O wKsev †e‡b‡eŠ-
Gi evmvq wWg cv‡o|
(^92) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban
Photo © Foridi Numan