Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

Asian Koel
Binomial Name: Eudynamys scolopacea
The Asian Koel is a common resident bird of Bangladesh. It can be seen in the rural areasof all parts of the country, on the city's outskirts, and the forests. It likes to be very anxious.
Its calling can be heard more than it can be seen. Breeding season, from March to July. Itdoes not build nests, hatch eggs, or care for chicks. The female koel secretly goes to a
crow's nest, destroys the crow's egg, and lays its own eggs. After the chicks hatch fromthe eggs, the crow takes care of their chicks until they are a little older.

kx‡Zi †k‡l em‡šÍi AvMg‡bi mv‡_ mv‡_B †‡ki MÖvg-Rbc, eb-ebvšÍ †KvwK‡ji Kzû Kzû Wv‡K
gyLi n‡q I‡V| †KvwKj evsjv‡‡ki myjf AvevwmK cvwL| †‡ki me wefv‡Mi MÖvgv‡j, kn‡ii
DcK‡É, e‡b-R½‡j †Lv hvq| Lye mšÍc©‡b _vK‡Z cQ› K‡i, hZUv bv
Lv hvq Zvi †P‡q †ewk AvIqvR †kvbv hvq| cQ‡›i Lvevi
Wzgyi dj Ges Ab ̈vb ̈ imv‡jv dj| gvP©- RyjvB cÖRbb FZz|
evmv ˆZwi, wWg †dvUv‡bv ev Qvbvi hZœ †bq bv| †g‡q †KvwKj PzwcPzwc
Kv‡Ki evmvq wM‡q Kv‡Ki wWg bó K‡i wb‡R wWg cv‡o| wWg dz‡U Qvbv
wKQzUv eo nIqv ch©šÍ cvjK gv KvK wb‡Ri Qvbv g‡b K‡i hZœ †bq|
wKQzwb c‡i hLb KvK eyS‡Z cv‡i GUv Zvi Qvbv bq, ZLb Zv‡K †d‡j †q| ZZw`‡b Qvbv †gvUvgy wU
̄^vej¤^x n‡q I‡V|

(^94) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban
Photo © Shafiullah Hares

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