Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

Blossom-headed Parakeet
Binomial Name: Psittacula roseata
The Blossom-headed Parakeet is a rare resident bird of Bangladesh. They roam in woodedareas, light forests, or cultivable lands near forests. Usually seen in small groups of 5 to

  1. The food menu includes cereals, fruits, flower petals, and twenty and flower sweetjuices. Their breeding season is from January to April. In the natural cavities of tree trunks,
    woodpeckers' and barbets' old nests are renovated, making wooden mattresses and layingeggs. Thus, the bird is savage in behavior. The ferocity of female birds increases further
    during the breeding season. Others can't get close then.
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    I dz‡ji wgw÷ im i‡q‡Q| Rvbyqvwi †
    ‡K GwcÖj gvm G‡i cÖRbb FZz| Mv‡Qi Kv‡Ði MnŸ‡i wKsev KvV‡VvKiv I emšÍ cvwLi cyi‡bv evmv ms ̄‹vi K‡i, Kv‡Vi KzwPi Mw †c‡Z Giv wWg cv‡o|
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    Kv‡Q wfo‡ZB cv‡i bv|

(^98) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban
Photo © Foridi Numan

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