International Artist – August-September 2019

(Barré) #1
The Portrait Society of America 35

Whether it’s a conference, a workshop or some
other investment of time and money there
is always that question—can I afford this?
Inevitably it’s one of the first questions we
ask ourselves. So where, when and how do we
invest in ourselves and our art career? Because
most of us are self-employed, we need to
seek opportunities that bring us maximum
returns. As with any commitment we make
there is always a cost, but equally there exists
the potential for significant growth. For me,
attending the Portrait Society’s conference

each year answers these questions with an
affiliative yes.
At this event creativity, inspiration and
fantastic art are always at the forefront,
starting with the Face-Off featuring 18 artists
painting together in the Grand Ballroom to
topic focused breakout sessions to viewing
the original artwork by the 24 finalists in The
International. The main standout for me is
everyone’s openness and willingness to come
together and share their time. Each year I see
people ready to learn, to share and to teach.

In this atmosphere, in the span of one day, it’s
possible to explore other artists’ approaches to
their work, hear varied and differing opinions,
techniques and learning about other paths
to excellence. There’s so much awe-inspiring
energy packed into four days.
Like clockwork, April now represents
a personal rhythm, a time for renewal,
self-development and a time to renew
my commitment to my work, which the
conference facilitates. Additionally, with
each year’s succession, I have the great

  1. The ever-popular Face Off featured 18 artists painting simultaneously showcasing a variety of techniques and mediums. 2. The Open Drawing Studio with
    rotating faculty instruction was widely popular. 3. Attendees felt they came away with a deeper understanding of anatomy after attending the Drawing
    Sessions. 4. Mary Whyte’s watercolor and Daniel J. Keys’ oil demonstrations opened the conference on a high note. 5. Early morning attendees were treated to a
    lively discussion on the variety of ways to establish your art career. 6. An attendee remarked, “It was a special treat to watch the Gold Medal being given to Dean
    Mitchell...such a tender soul and brilliant artist.”


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