Horoscope Guide – October 2019

(WallPaper) #1

OCTOBER 2019 43

she received very glowing reports, but as

time wore on, she became the focus of

negative news stories. The Duchess has

been portrayed in some press reports as a

demanding employer, a social climber, and

a spendthrift who spends a lot of money on

her clothes. The stories could simply be

catty gossip, fueled by the need for media

outlets to increase their readership.

The Moon in Libra gives Meghan

Markle an inborn love of luxury and a

desire to associate with the movers and

shakers of the world. It also gives her a

tendency to make peace with others, and

to get along with those with whom she

associates, so while there may be a grain

of truth in some of the negative stories,

there is much more truth to be seen in the

actual characteristics imparted to anyone

with the Moon in this sign.

Libra and You
As much as popular astrology

emphasizes Sun signs, it is worth

remembering that in a very real sense

we are all 12 signs. People who do not

have Sun, rising sign, or Moon in Libra

still have Libra somewhere in their birth

charts, often through the placement of a

planet or two in that sign. Even lacking

that, however, Libra is still somewhere

in the circle of houses in your chart, and

thus makes its contribution to the many

facets of your personality from there. The

following expresses how the sign of Libra

affects you by its house placement.

1st: You may be physically attractive,

something that shows best when you

smile. You know how to dress and to

make the most of your figure.

2nd: You may be indecisive where

money is concerned. First you want to

save, then you go to the mall and blow

your pay on designer clothes!
3rd: You have a very good mind, and
can be extremely shrewd in your analysis
of others. Your wit could make you a good
writer of satire.
4th: One of your main goals is to
live in peace and harmony with others.
If someone in your living situation is
disagreeable, avoiding a solution to the
problem may affect your health.
5th: You are in love with love!
Romantic interludes are a favorite activity,
but it can be hard for you to commit to one
person for long periods of time.
6th: You want to get ahead in life
and to make a name for yourself in your
chosen profession. You are a team player,
but can also be quite ruthless in your quest
for success.
7th: You may find it hard to choose
between marrying for love or marrying
for money, but yes, you may be able to
do both!
8th: You strive to stay on good terms
with ex-partners, even if it takes effort on
your part. You may be tempted to tweak
your appearance as you get older.
9th: You love to learn and will continue
to expand your knowledge throughout
your life. Seniors with fresh new college
degrees are not rare.
10th: Settling on the right career path
may be a life-long challenge. You might
make a big career change in middle age.
11th: Companionship is very important
to you, and you strive to have an active
social life. You have a long list of
acquaintances, but a shorter list of close
12th: You approach spiritual matters
with a degree of skepticism, but may
long for the serenity that religious faith
brings. P
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