Horoscope Guide – October 2019

(WallPaper) #1

OCTOBER 2019 65

material will often come surging to the surface.

Jung’s ideas about the nature of that material,

particularly that dealing with the anima and

animus, may prove helpful to people as they

navigate the great night sea journey.

Uranian Escape
Natal Uranus points, in itself and through

his house, sign, and aspects, to our capacity

for renewal, our willingness to engage the

new and groundbreaking, and perhaps our

insistence on doing so. At the same time,

natal Uranus points to where and how we

tend to live in our ideas instead of the karmic

demands of immediate situations. In many

ways, Uranus symbolizes our desire to escape,

and if we consider him in that light, we can

uncover some (not all) of his secrets.

On the one hand, Uranus symbolizes

our desire to escape from unduly limiting

circumstances or points of view, whether

our own or those offered by others – and

particularly those others whose opinions have

some power to shape our lives. We often

want to revolt against such figures. We see

that we have accepted too much limitation,

as humans seem to have an inborn tendency

to act independently as a way of manifesting

their full potential as human beings. On the

other hand, Uranus can manifest as escape

for escape’s sake. We see this in the Uranus

myth, where Uranus wants to escape from

the karmic demands of his situation manifest

in his ugly children, so he tries to bury them

away. As a result, he loses the life-giving

power of his insight (i.e. he is castrated by

Saturn, his son). We can call this kind of

escape an escape from one’s own potential.

In the myth, Saturn symbolizes that potential;

he arises as the form of Uranus’ creativity,

after all. Uranus doesn’t want to deal with the

demands of his own creative powers. He tries

to bury them away.

One kind of escape is an effort to get free
of stultifying circumstance, whether situational
or psychological; another kind is meant to get
free of one’s full potential. Thus, when dealing
with Uranus we need to remember that we
should ask ourselves not only what we wish to
get free from, but also what we wish to get free
for. Freedom (Uranus) fathers responsibility
When Mercury contacts natal Uranus,
expect your mind to speed up; expect yourself
to have all sorts of new ideas and insights. You
can use some of these ideas to help you make a
Uranian breakthrough, but you’ll need to find
ways to ensure that the ideas don’t disappear
like flashes in a pan. Try taking notes (putting
ideas into Saturnian form)! As you do so, don’t
discriminate; just give some form to your ideas
and insights, and only evaluate them later. If
you do too much discriminating at the begin-
ning, you may miss much of value.
When transiting Venus contacts natal
Uranus, you might feel restless in some aspect
of your relationship. With the hard aspects,
you might overstate either your “need” for
freedom or the limits of the relationship in
question. Note that if you have the desire
for more freedom it is possible your partner
does as well, with his or her desires quite
likely emerging as projections of your own.
Remember that the “need” doesn’t necessarily
qualify as a need, but rather as a hoped-for-
result. But whatever you call it, neither ignore
it nor act on it immediately. Maybe you need
more space for a day or two, but don’t load
the situation with excess judgment. Remind
yourself that even extremely valuable rela-
tionships can feel claustrophobic at times. So
make some adjustments, remembering that
Uranus often speaks in extreme terms that you
needn’t buy into. Recognize the germ of truth
in your feelings, but don’t let that germ make
you ill. P
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