
(Frankie) #1














and call determination, that really played
a huge part in me winning.

How did you react when you found
out you had won?
I think I woke up my neighbours from all
the frantic screaming, and my dog had no
idea why I was pacing the house whipping
out a ton of crazy dance moves.

How did you celebrate?
Honestly, I haven’t yet! I’ve been waiting
for this very special 8th birthday issue of
MAXIM, with my head on the cover, to
be released so I can wave the magazine
around and pour some drinks with friends.
I’m in total awe that I’m really on the front
cover of MAXIM – it feels unreal.

Perhaps the $10,000 prize money
can assist with the celebrations?
What will you do with it?
Travel, invest in my career and donate
a portion to my local sports club to
say thank you for their support.

What’s been happening since
you won the competition?
So many things! I competed in the
MAXIM 2019 Australia Swimwear
Model of the Year (ASMY) competition
in Queensland, which features 30 girls
from around Australia – I placed in the
top five and won Miss Photogenic! I’ve
also been lucky enough to be accepted
on an amazing trip to Mozambique, Africa
with MAXIM Ausralia along with 11 other
girls from around the globe. In between
all this time I have been keeping myself

busy with my work as a bookkeeper/
manager and studying exercise science
at university. Don’t ask me how I fit it all in!

What other opportunities do you
hope winning the MAXIM Cover Girl
Australia competition gives you?
I’d say international exposure is a big
one – including being featured in MAXIM
Australia, U.S.A. and New Zealand. This,
in itself, will offer a range of opportunities
once they’ve been published, and also the
title I get to add to my modelling resume
offers a great advantage when applying
to modelling agencies both locally and

You seem competitive — what’s
one thing you can beat anyone at?
I might be a bit rusty these days but I’ll
probably beat you at a game of chess.
I entered into state the championships in
school and won! Oh, and I’ll beat you in
a thumb war hands down – pun intended.

When do you feel sexy?
Definitely when I’ve been looking after
myself through a healthy diet, exercise and
a good routine – and I’m achieving goals.
When I live a fit lifestyle I’m respecting
my body internally and naturally this
makes me feel incredible.

What is your best asset?
My perseverance has been a great asset

  • I’m very passionate in whatever I do and
    there are many instances in my life where
    perseverance has helped me achieve my
    goals. Physically, I’ve been complimented

ello, Olivia, congrats on your first
MAXIM cover. How do you feel?
It’s a dream come true! To be given the
opportunity to grace the MAXIM cover is
a big, pinch-yourself moment, so basically
it feels like I’ve won the lottery. I’m so
incredibly grateful and honoured — it was
such a fun photo shoot, thank you so much
MAXIM legends!

No wories. Tell us a bit about yourself.
I grew up in the Yarra Valley in Victoria –
you might know it as one of the world’s
premier wine regions – it’s truly beautiful
and you should definitely go there for some
cheese and wine, trust me! I’m a bit of a
country girl, so I’m very connected with my
small local community and still participate in
my local netball club. After finishing my Year
12 VCE I went straight to university to study
dermal science, finished half the course and
realised it wasn’t for me. Now, I’ve virtually
completed my exercise science degree,
whilst modelling, and I couldn’t be happier.
I can’t wait to see where my modelling
career goes from here.

You recently won the 2019 MAXIM
Cover Girl Australia competition.
Why do you think you are the winner?
I was constantly finding new ways to
promote myself during the competition

  • from my local sports club to Facebook
    and even my local noticeboard really got
    some attention. Every day I was uploading
    new content and creating new write ups
    on why I thought people should vote for
    me, but most of all I NEVER gave up. It’s
    my stubbornness, which I like to fancy-up

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